H7: I Hate Politics

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Guess who couldn't make it to breakfast this morning with the hot, horny demon lady! THIS FUCKING GUY!!! I HAVE TO SIT ON A COUNCIL MEETING WITH DARIUS AND JAYCE!!! FUCK!!!

Darius and Jayce are here talking each other's fucking heads off. Me? I just tuned them both out as they figure out to try and find a middle ground between the two. The countries actual leaders aren't a part of this, Medarda and Swain, nope. They chose to let their military leaders deal with it, and I think that's fair. 

Jayce is trying to tell him that he has to know that he was going to kidnap me, and that he probably wouldn't have cared if he did. But since he's partially responsible for tearing down a hotel-turned embassy. 

Yes, the hotel I stayed in was technically a hot spot for this region's representatives... Like the quarters for guardians at the Tower... Anyway, since that happened, I've been just stuck here, sitting in a swivel chair, but at least it's comfy. 

Eve's gonna be pissed too, they took my fucking phone, so I wasn't able to text her. I probably could've kept the phone, but I was a little afraid of what would happen. Oh, and Sting can't transmat, he's not allowed, or they prefer that he doesn't, so hello to my little desk trinket. 

Sting whispers: I must admit, this is one of the most boring meetings I've ever been in. 

Y/N whispers: You said it... 

Jayce: ...Y/N, what do you think?

Y/N: What do I think? 

Jayce: You were the victim here, and we have Yuumi's brief, what is your opinion on Darius' force? 

Y/N: I think you need to teach them better integrity. 

Darius: Excuse me...? 

Y/N: Well, yeah, if you want, I can pull up VIDEO EVIDENCE of your guys muscling my neighbor in the hotel, stealing her jewelry as well. 

Darius: Hmmm...

Y/N: Oh! Even better! This "anomaly", or me, that you ordered them to nab, was actually targeted AND engaged by his captors! Now, I'm not expert, and I don't know how a lot of shit works around here, but eight soldiers spraying me down with laser rifles doesn't sound like kidnapping technique to me! 

Darius: And what happened to them?

Y/N: Well, I killed them. 

Jayce: Well, obviously, he had to! Darius, there are more peaceful ways of doing this! You could've just sent some unmarked units in there just to ask him to come along!

Y/N: And I probably would've said yes! 

The rest of the people and the representatives of the regions in question are just dumbfounded, and some of them are just as bored as me. They don't want to be here and frankly; I don't think they need to be. 

Jayce: You also have yet to disclose the reason for the attempt at kidnapping him to us. You've been saying that he's an anomaly and that he's dangerous, and that he could be a potential threat to us, but I haven't seen that yet... He seems like an alright guy, especially if his intentions are in the best of our nations, saving the owner of one of the embassies from a battle that YOU STARTED!  

Y/N: I'm predicting, based on your demeanor and the impression you make to the... people in here... that it's something power related? Am I correct? 

Hunter's intuition, baby. 

Y/N: And the fact you keep reiterating the same points that are proven to not be true in the slightest, I take it your superior may want to keep this under wraps or hidden from the public eye. Also, since you had the intention of taking me, by force, if necessary, I'm inclined to believe, I'm sure with the rest of the people in here, that it's something inhumane. 

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