T11: Burning Passion

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Kai made these awesome... hot... steamy... oh god I'm staring again... I quickly look away and back down at my food on my plate. Fuck, I'm such a pervert, ever since Ahri and I kept going at it almost every night it's just been hell. Suddenly my horny thoughts are stopped by a call on my phone.

I silence it, looking back at the dumplings, they were dumplings and they were fucking amazing. She tried to mold two different cultures together, like authentic Piltovian cuisine and Ionian and I think she nailed it.

Meatloaf and potato dumplings may sound gross but they're pretty good.

They call again, and again, and again. Fuck it, fine, I'll pick it up. I take out my phone and it's revealed that it's Braum. I scooch out and leave the table, heading right outside to talk.

Y/N: Sorry, I've been missing for a couple weeks I forgot to pay rent.

Braum: Yeah, you're evicted, don't worry. Graves told us everything but seems that wasn't enough for Vi to not give you the boot...

Y/N: That bitch... Sorry, sorry, she's a lovely woman but she's all business, it's alright.

Braum: Sent your stuff over to the K/DA house last week since I know you... spend more time with Ahri more than you do anyone else...

Y/N: Yeah...

Braum: Good to hear from you again, so, when you getting back in the cage?

I turn around and look in the window. Kai is now looking at me in curiosity.

Y/N: Never.

Braum: But... you're its champion! Nobody else holds your record!

Y/N: Good, now find someone who can; that time on the island gave me a new perspective. I'm done. I appreciate you for helping me settle into this place, and I'll never forget how good I thought it was to fight. However... I will no longer be doing it.

Braum: How else will you get that unreleased light out of you?!

Y/N: I have my ways...

I wink at Kai and all she does is jump, dropping the blind and then zooming away, probably back to the kitchen to keep working on dessert.

Braum: Uh... Huh... Okay, well, have fun with that. I'm not going to stop you anymore, you seemed busy.

Y/N: No shit, I was eating dinner with my girlfriend before you spam called me. So, a week ago?! Where's my stuff?!

Braum: Downstairs in the basement. Ahri made me put them down there.

Y/N: Thanks... alright, bye.

I hang up and walk back in, sitting down with the rest of the group, this time between Ahri and Kai. 

Ahri: Good phone call?

Y/N: Yeah, it was just Braum... letting me know I got kicked out and upset that I'm not cage fighting anymore... 

Kali and Eve: YOU WHAT?!

Y/N: Guys! Relax... and yes, I'm not cage fighting anymore. Being on that island sort of made me realize I just... I just need to relax. 

Kali: Dude, you're like the best cage fighter ever! You're still young, it's not like you can just retire! 

Eve: You even got put on TV for crying out loud! Now you'll have to publicly announce that you're retiring! 

Ahri: It made me proud how you were able to fight... but if you really just want to relax then I have no problem with that...

Y/N: I've been fighting stuff for over 8 years; I think I'm done punching shit to death. Makes it even worse that I'm fighting actual people, or worse, people that pale in comparison to my power. 

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