32: Ruin Voidlings

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I wake up, still lying on my back, but... feeling better, for some odd reason. 

Guess it's my guardian immune system beating the time estimate. 

The fever is gone, so is the scratchy throat, and even the chest pain, I just have to clean the rest of the mucus out. 

Speaking of...

I roll over and cough, spitting into Sera's trash can. 

Sera: Ewww... morning!

Y/N: Morning... ugh... still a little sick, but I'm feeling a lot better. 

Sera: I... was up early, I got us some tea! 

Y/N: How are you feeling? 

Sera: Better... thanks to you, you took my mind off it. 

Y/N: Uh-huh, you gotta keep moving, that's the key, now if you'll excuse me, I have to see Ahri about moving my ship to the hangar. 

Sera: Oh! No need, I already told her to do that, I said, "think of Y/N..." and that broke her. 

Y/N: That's... wow, that's not manipulative at all. 

Sera: She cares about you so much, it's not even funny. 

Y/N: It's an attention problem, Eve has the same problems. Bold of me to assume that having a relationship with multiple people would work properly. When you give attention to one person, the other person gets antsy, when you're chasing one person, the other is there concerned... it's a big mess... 

Sera: Then spend time with multiple of said people, hang out with them at the same time. 

Y/N: But... what if Kali and I are on a date? 

Sera: Good point, privacy is... not much of a thing...

Y/N: Yeah, Eve won't mind people watching or dates with multiple partners, especially if it's her sisters. But... I know damn well you like your dates with just another guy and that's it, no spectators. 

Sera: Yeah, I do like my dates in private. 

Y/N: Hmmm... well, you free tonight? 

Sera: A little too fast, bud.

Y/N: Hey, Kali likes it fast, that's fine... enough mentioning other girls, I just wanna worry about you. 

Sera: I'd like that-


Y/N: Speaking of...

Sera: It's fine. 

I swipe my coat off the chair and throw it on. 

Sera: Wait! 

Y/N: What?

Sera hops up and pecks me on the cheek, I brush my hand across her soft cheek, then that was that. 

We head upstairs to see the girls watching the tv on the edge of their seats. 

Ghost and Lyfe are just plopped on the coffee table, resting on a couple of coasters, analyzing the tv. 

Y/N: What's wrong? 

Ahri: There was a massive explosion in Noxus, apparently a building was demolished, it's a block away from Kai's hotel! 

I look closer at the screen. 

Y/N: Pause it. 

Kali: Get your fat head out of the way-


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