38: Void's Stare

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Y/N: Of course, I will be your boyfriend.

After that silence of us drying off and getting back into our clothes, I decided to fire the gun. 

Sera: I-I was doubting for a sec... n-now I... I don't know what to say! I love you-

Y/N: Shhh... 

I hug her right after she gets her oversized shirt on, kissing the top of her head. 

Sera: Mmph...

She softly moans in my chest as she inhales my scent. 

I pull her down on the bed with me, falling asleep that night with my next girlfriend. 


I wake up, under the covers with Seraphine laying on my chest. 

I felt warmth, thinking that I peed myself, when really it was just a songstress laying on my chest. 

She's sleeping peacefully, smirking in her sleep. 

She's elegant, and oh so adorable. 

I gently brush some of her hair aside, sniffing it... oh... like strawberry heaven... 

Sera's phone begins buzzing, but I grab it and see who it is. 

Is this... wrong? 

It's Ahri, no it's not. 

I answer it. 

Y/N whispers: It's boo, what's up...

Ahri: How was your guys' night? 

Y/N whispers: Amazing, she's a little snoozer... listen. 

I hold up the phone to Sera's mouth, and her light snoring is picked up. 

Ahri: Awwww... well, when are you going to say some words to Kai again? 

Y/N whispers: Whenever you want me, I don't care. 

Ahri: Oh, that's entirely up to you, if you're interested, that is. 

Y/N whispers: She needs some comfort, so I could help her with that. I could go over some things to settle her dreams, maybe. 

Ahri: You're such a pimp...

Y/N whispers: I am NOT a pimp. 

Ahri: All these girls to yourself, mister? No sharing, no problems, all working to try and please you and only you. 

Y/N whispers: I am not a pimp...

Sera: Uhhh... wha... mmm... good morning, Y/N, what are you doing with my phone? 

Y/N whispers: Oop, Sera's here, talk to her. 

Sera takes the phone. 

Sera: Uh-huh, yeah, he should... no! You are so- what?! No... he's a womanizer, textbook definition, "Awi". 

Y/N: Womanizer? Are you kidding me? That's worse! I'm not that.

Sera: Then, what do you wanna be? A guy with multiple partners that all share him is a...

Y/N: Polyamorous...

Sera: Poly-what-us? 

Y/N: Polyamory, or me, who is polyamorous, is the general term for having multiple relationship partners. Now, it could imply that we all have sex with each other in some orgy fuckfest, like for example, you're in an intimate relationship with Ahri. Or... you just follow the general definition where it's just multiple partners. I have multiple female partners, and you all accept it that you share me. 

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