44: Aurelion Coil

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So, fast forward a little bit, I'm in the K/DA's hangar as of right now. 

I am currently installing a placebo warp drive where the normal warp drive would go. 

We lack the parts to fix it, and it was totally fried when we yanked it out of the power displacer. 

I grunt, then I tug a bit, then.


It falls right into place. 

Ghost: Perfect! 

Y/N: Weld it in place! 

Lyfe comes over and they weld the drive in place. 

Sadly, as much as I'd like to warp around this new galaxy, we may never get to do that. 

???: Many have tried and many have failed...

Y/N: Wha... who the fuck was that? Did you guys hear that?! 

The girls sitting in their lawn chairs in the corner of the hangar, watching me work on my ship, all shake their heads. 

Y/N: Great... just like Oryx, I'm hearing voices again. Probably some god that just wants to scare me, some watcher. 

???: Watcher?! How insulting! I may be trapped with them, but do think of me as their better, MORTAL!!!

Y/N: Yeah, yeah, keep talking, that's all you're good for. 

???: I HAVE SEEN YOUR KIND BEFORE!!! ALL YOU ARE GOOD FOR IS RISING TO SLAY WHO YOU TRULY BELIEVE IS BETTER!!! Who is next... hmmm? You know not of the permanence of me... nor the impermanence of being... it seems. 

Y/N: If you knew anything about me, you'd know I'm just as permanent as you are. 

???: No, your life is just static, as the world around you keeps flowing. 

Y/N: Arguing with me just proves I'm getting under your skin. 

Ghost: I found the location of his transmission! It's... a spell! Similar to what Oryx used to threaten us with. 

???: You should be joining me... as my vessel, you and I can conquer Runeterra, and take back what is rightfully ours, completing the galaxy and making it our own...

Y/N: Alright, Aurelion Sol, I remember you now. See, the Targonians wrote about you, a lot. You wanna know what they used to keep you from Runeterra? A damn crown.

Sol: And I destroyed it... you think a physical device will keep me from hearing the screams of you all who deserve to suffer?! *Scoff* Filthy Runeterrans... 

Y/N: Why are you still talking to me right now? I'm trying to fix my ship. 

Sol: To tell you to give up, nothing you do will improve your chances of defeating me, for I am eternal! 

Y/N: So am I, now let me collect my world runes in peace. 

Sol: World Runes? You're bluffing. 

Y/N: I collect all of those, I have all the power Runeterra could possibly give me, that is more than enough power to whoop your ass. I will drain every single drop of life out of your cosmic... worm... carcass... thing. WHATEVER!!! Ghost, cut it. 

Sol: YOU- *Static* 

Lyfe: You know, if all watchers agree to infuse into him, which you know they won't, he will become quite formidable. 

Y/N: So, I just fight the watchers alongside him.

Kali pops her head up from the hole in the floor. 

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