T5: First Encounter, Finally

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Braum: Ah, and then that's when the stock prices went up! God, I wish I would've invested in Jayce's security consulting place, before he sold out to Noxus. 

Y/N: Yeah, money is scary, it's hard for me to invest too. Do I... dismantle a weapon and infuse its light into something, using a module provided by the gunsmith? Or... do I wait until I find something better to infuse, better if it's more powerful. 

Braum: I see, you want to keep the thing you're comfortable with. 

Y/N: I had to swap out a masterfully crafted rifle for a handgun, that would stovepipe more often it would proc! 

Braum: Your world is very strange. Old Y/N made it sound simple. From, using green stringy stuff to entangle and choke people to... not... ice to freeze people? Boy, you have so much going on in your life.

Y/N: Well, I'm new Y/N and uhhh... you like calling me boy, I'm probably older than you, heh...

Braum: I call you "boy" because you look like a boy... how old are you supposed to be? 

Y/N: Five hundred or so, I don't know, it's not my job to know specifics. I like to think I'm in my healthy late twenties!

Braum: Mhmmm... well, wish I could look good for my age. 

Y/N: You're acting like you don't have any play! You're 7 foot 5, you're a bit taller than me. You're a hulking man with tattoos, you'll find some big boy lover that'll be all over you. How old are you? 

Braum: In my 50s...

Y/N: Yet how am I wiser than you, it's midlife crisis time! 

Shim: Ah, yes! You could find a woman 3/5 your age if you wanted! Perhaps you shave- 

Y/N: No-

Braum: NO... No-no-no! But I get your point. Ah... how about another beer? 

I look back at the crowd who's dancing on the dance floor. When I look up to the second floor-oh... hello... that is a very beautiful looking lady up there looking over the balcony, and since I'm a little liquored up, I might have a chance. She sees me looking at her and looks down at me with her glowing purple eyes, reminding me of an Awoken chick. 

I look up and acknowledge her, giving her a smirk and a slight head nod. Braum is oblivious, he's just ordering us another round. The girl smirks back at me, then arches her back a little more against the railing. She turns around and struts away from the railing, heading back into her VIP lounge. 

Y/N: No, I think I found something better. 

Braum: Hey, K/DA is up there, boy, you gotta be careful with them celeb types. 

Y/N: I've probably dealt with worse. 

Braum: You've been sayin' that... alright, good luck, you know where you're going? 

Y/N: Yeah, just to Last Drop when I'm done. 

Braum: Hey, good job today, I'm proud of you!

We fist bump each other and he lets me leave. I take my beer upstairs with me where I'm stopped by what I thought was a prostitute. Oh, and bold of you to assume it was a woman, male prostitutes do exist and uhhh... are arguably just as bad. 

???: Where's that cute ass running off to? Hey big boy, you look like you could some company tonight! 

Y/N: This cute ass is going on over to find my princess looking at me from the balcony, I don't swing that way but maybe you'll get lucky tonight! 

He realizes that it was the "Guardian" cage fighter who beat the Zaunite champion in the first match up. So, he stops talking after that. I love this place, it's weird but it's so... homey but chaotic... like, I'm actually starting to accept not having my... oh, no, that's just the denial phase kicking in. 

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