H6: Schlumped Down

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This place is straight out of a movie. Out front was a fountain with some angels spitting water out. Walking inside, the whole fucking lobby is a mix of marble flooring and gold everything. Tacky, except for the ebony wood in the right spots, breaking it up a little. 

???: Can I help you, sir? 

Y/N: Uh, yeah, I'm here for a room. 

???: I'm sorry... this place is for higher- 

Y/N: Get me a fuckin' room. 


I slap the card on the table, not the concierge. 

Y/N: I heard Yuumi was in here, I'm a friend of Akali, said that she was the cat lady to talk to. 

She looks around, then smirks at me, bowing.

???: My apologies... 

She floats away from the desk, and I hear some purring... from under the desk. I see a tail come up from under the desk, and then a cat hops up in the seat. Pretty and... blueish purple, exotic...

Y/N: Awww... look at you, so handsome in your little bow-

I attempt to reach out and pet it-

*NIP! ZAP!* 

It gives me a little chomp on my one finger, sending an electric shock up my arm and nearly numbing it. 

Y/N: YEEOW!!! Motherfucker... sorry... you're Yuumi? Not what I expected. 

Yuumi: I get that a lot and it's very disrespectful! 

Y/N: I'm sorry, it must be rough living life as a mystical cat. 

Yuumi: You have no idea... so, a friend of Akali, how do I know you didn't steal her card? 

Y/N: Because I didn't. 

Yuumi squints her eyes, putting her paws on the table to get a close look at me. She sniffs me, and then as she does so, her eyes flash. When she goes back to sitting on the seat, she smirks. 

Yuumi: Okay then! Normally Akali brings me a snack...

Y/N: Sorry... I don't have anything, everywhere is closed too, I thought it was an easy check-in! 

Yuumi: Relax, relax! You might be legitimate, but something about you seems off...

Y/N: I'm from another universe, this is my first time on Runeterra, ever. 

Yuumi: And meeting the K/DA... off to a good start...

She tunes me out as she starts tacking away on her computer, registering me a room and then scanning the card. She hands it back to me with two room keys. 

Yuumi: Welcome to our universe! And... you picked a great place to spend the night. I hope everything is to your liking!

Y/N: Do I have to pay? 

Yuumi: It charges the card... so take that up with Akali... 

Y/N: Oh... 

Sting whispers: She just paid for your room in a five-star hotel. 

Yuumi: Do you have any strange pets? 

Y/N: Just my little parasite, Sting here. 

I hold out my hand and he forms in it, sighing and shaking his shell around. 

Sting: I'm not a parasite, I'm your lifesaver. 

Yuumi: Woah... he's like a toy! 

Y/N: NO! He is not a toy! He's literally what keeps me immortal. 

Multiverse Destiny (K/DA x Guardian Male Reader)(D1 x LoL)Where stories live. Discover now