34: Evelynn and Ahri, Shield-Sisters

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I tighten the belt on my pants, starting the trip upstairs.

Kali: Wait! Kissy kissy... *lip pucker*

I turn around and give her a kiss, then she lets me leave when she slaps my butt... again.

Sera: Hey Y/N!

She comes out of her room to walk up with me.

Y/N: Hey Sera! Sorry about the noise.

Sera: Oh, I didn't mind!

Right away, I already knew she was the one who was listening in.

Most people do mind... especially when they live next door...

Y/N: Oh, cool, so what's up?

Sera: Not much! I was going to visit my Dad in Zaun.

Y/N: Zaun? I don't know...

Sera: We're just going to the suburbs! All just houses full of old retirees, away from the smog.

Y/N: Oh, he's retired?

Sera: Yeah, he worked on instruments long enough, got some early-stage arthritis even... Now... he just works on the house, does his own landscaping.

Y/N: Best way to keep living is to keep moving.

Sera: He's only fifty...

Y/N: Eh, still. So, you mentioned "we", who's we?

Sera: Oh, umm... did you want to come along?

Y/N: You want me to meet your dad?

Sera: Sure! He's a nice guy! He also needs help with his car... and I'm no mechanic... nor woodworker... he knows Ben is out of the picture and... I may or may not have told him I have a new boyfriend so he already wants to grill him.

Y/N: You told him I was the new boyfriend, didn't you, yet we never even went on a date yet?

Sera: Please don't be mad...

Y/N: I can't be mad at you guys, just... slightly bothered. We'll figure it out, but I'm not letting this outting ruin what I want to do to Eve and Ahri before we leave.

Sera: What's that?

I just look at her, she figures it out on her own.

Sera: Ugh... of course... you do your thing, we can head out later.

I pat her shoulder and continue heading up to the second floor.

When I get up there, Ahri is blasting music in her room, and I'm at an angle I see Eve's slippers propped up on her bed.

I sneak past Eve, I need to... catch up with Ahri...

I open her door, and the music leads to the bathroom.

I press my ear against the door, she's taking a shower.

Ahri muffled: Bobbie Sue took the money and run... Go on, take the money and run... *Whistling*

She makes any song sound better, I'm convinced.

Although, it's hard to top the original.

I knock on the door.

Muffled Ahri: Who is it?

Y/N: You got a spare towel for me?

Ghost knows the drill; he leaves the room.

Muffled Ahri: Oh, of course!

I enter the large bathroom and strip down, putting a towel on.


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