22: Coffee's Sting

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Ben: Yeah man, you should pull up, we're open tomorrow at eight!

Y/N: I think I might just do that.

Ben: Beat the nine-to-five crowd, yep.

Y/N: Alright, if I roll out of bed in time, and if Ahri lets me leave, I'll be there.

Yasuo: Jax, let me go, bro, I'm fine, *hiccup*.

Jax: Yeah, hello Fine, I just saw you faceplant in Braum's bar, making us look like asses, I'm taking you home.

Yasuo: Ugh... fuck...

Ben and I watch him carry Yasuo and toss him in the back of his van, like a kidnapping.

Jax: See you guys, don't destroy Runeterra yet, Y/N!

Y/N: I don't plan on it! You sure you're alright to drive home?

Jax: Nope!

He gets in his van, spinning the tires and speeding off.

Ben: Well, that was something, look... me and Sera are meeting her dad early tomorrow, so it'll be perfect if you drop by.

Y/N: Like I said, I'll be there.

Ben: Cool man, cool.

Y/N: You run that place alone?

Ben: Without Sera... yep... it's just me.

Y/N: Ah, you just want someone to talk to when nobody's around.

Ben: Yep, you got me... heh...

Y/N: Alright, well, I'll see you tomorrow.

Ghost transmats into me as I give him a handshake.

I hop on my sparrow, revving it up and getting the afterburner primed.


Ghost: Seems like he was advancing on you...

Y/N: Advancing? Like... how so?

Ghost: Guardian, do I have to spell it out for you?

Y/N: Like, coming onto me? No! No... Ghost, what has Eve been telling you?

Ghost: She tells me how to spot a guy trying to "come out of his closet" or something, I never heard that expression before.

Y/N: Really, with all the immature guardians that we've known? Gui said that thousands of times before she- uhm... well, yeah!

Ghost: She was your mentor, I thought it meant showing your true potential, or something...

Y/N: Huh, so that's what you call being gay? "Showing your true potential"? It's all so clear to me now...

Ghost: Guardian...

Y/N: Relax! I just had a little too much to drink and I felt like I had to bust on my lifeline, I love ya buddy, you know that. Let's head inside.

Ghost: Bust on me?

Y/N: Shat-tha-fack-ap...

Ghost knows what he did, he made me chuckle.

Ghost: I genuinely don't know what that means... I'm detecting an overload in mental stimulation-

Chuckle too much actually.

I rip my helmet off and run over to the bush outside the mansion.

I hurl chunks into the bush, maybe I turned too tight on the sparrow... maybe I drank too much... there's a lot of that going around...

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