2: A New World

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I hate being human... awoken and exo have it so lucky...

Although, at this time, Boris would've needed to charge, aka, go flirt with the Future War Cult headmaster. 

And me and Chase would go out to eat at the ramen place within the city. 

I'm starving, thirsty, I'm unable to eat because we're in space, so it's not a wise decision to take my helmet off. 

I wouldn't even if I was out there, I got no idea what's out there. 

Ghost: Well, I can resurrect you guardian if you starve to death. 

Y/N: Hm... alright.

My body starts shutting down as my brain tries to eat away my body for nutrients. 

I can feel my muscles start to scream in agony. 

I have been floating here for what feels like weeks. 

Y/N: Ghost... any news on where we might be? 

Ghost: Nope, although I've been getting these strange readings. We're not alone here...


Y/N: Okay... I hear what you mean. 


Ghost: Eyes up, guardian! 

I snap my fingers and my Gjallarhorn transmats in my hands. 

A master craft of a rocket launcher, capable of ripping apart any creature I hit with it. 

I don't know what I'm getting into, so I'm gonna go big...

I got plenty of ammo since the transmat still works...

A giant clock forms, then it winds back really fast.

I'm on edge... I don't trust it. 

As soon as that boss comes out, I'm hitting him with a round of wolfpack. 

???: Lightbearer... fellow chronokeeper... do not let your fight or flight get in the way of your knowledge. I mean you no harm...

I slowly lower my rocket launcher, putting it on my back, and he appears. 

An old man, long hair, flowing all over the place. 

In his hands are two dials, which he is using to control... time? 

Ghost: Did he just come through time to see us? 

Y/N: I got no idea... uhm... WHO ARE YOU?! And why did you call me a chronokeeper? 

Zilean: I am Zilean, lightbearer... and I only call you that because I can tell by the aura you give off... that you are knowledgeable. 

Y/N: Yeah... I am a warlock, and please, call me Y/N. 

Zilean: Very well, Y/N. What brings you here? I am busy trying to figure out the death of my homeland while I feel a strange presence, only to find out someone from another dimension is floating amongst the cosmos before Runeterra was even created.

Y/N: Runeterra... wait... where the hell am I? 

Zilean: Where the hell did you come from? Because you my friend... will be vaporized and lost to time if you do not provide an answer sufficient of keeping you around. 

Y/N: I'll start broad and work my way down, okay? 

Zilean: Of course. 

Y/N: I am from the cosmos, but another dimension, no idea how far away I am. From the Milky Way galaxy, the Solar System, Earth, which was referred to in Latin as Terra. 

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