11: The Grind-Fest

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Ahri: So... how similar is your world to ours?

Ghost: According to what we found on the internet, decently, including all the technology and things. While we were figuring out how to take matter and warp it apart, you went the spiritual route instead of the scientific. Instead of devoting your life to science, you all seemed to devote it to sorcery, similar to the Hive, a race that is very strong with the darkness.

Ahri: Oh... i-is that bad?

Y/N: Not at all.

Ahri: So, how magical are we?

Ghost: So much so that instead of using technology, you use naturality. Using experimental minerals, for example this city planner... uhh... Jayce, using hextech crystals to power a hammer. This is versing us, using crystals we found from a Hive god's sword, and using it with what we've learned over our many years to power a sword. Very similar...

Ahri: I see... where does it differ?

Ghost: Space.

Ahri: What?

Y/N: Space, like, traveling off the planet, it seems nobody ever considered the possibility that there are other things out there, in your galaxy, in your universe! So, you guys spent all this time... conjuring, really finding all the value in the world you live in, all of you doing that rather than trying to move on or expand.

Ahri: In other words...

Y/N: You made the most of it, explored all possibilities, and... that's something I admire, in you and... everybody-


An empty beer can hits my head.


I sigh, and Ahri just hugs me.

Y/N: Maybe not everybody... heh...

Ahri: Oh, they don't know how important you are, I don't think the world will find out for a long while.

Y/N: So, you're a queen?

Ahri: Pfft... no! My fans call me that because I'm the leader of the K/DA.

Y/N: So, technically a queen, you rule something.

Ahri: Hardly... I take input, it's not a monarchy.

Y/N: Well, you're my queen.

Ahri: Oh...

Y/N: Sorry, I had to-

Ahri giggles, and I follow her lead into a mall in the heart of Piltover.

Ghost: I'm worried I'll get snatched or something. That or someone will try to buy me with all these... posh figures around.

Y/N: Well, you know how to break loose. You can just transmat to me.

Ghost: Or... Ahri could carry me.

Ahri: Oh, I see what you're doing, you little devil, come here.

She holds out her hand, and he powers his hover down, landing on her hand.

She carries him like a little animal, one hand under him while the other on top.

Ahri: Gwen is a queen of fashion. The doll herself that's been given a new life to make the world better. So, she changes people's perspectives with her clothes. We have a clothing line and she even helped me start my own perfume brand.

Y/N: Incredible, is that Allure?

Ahri: Sure is... and I'm wearing it myself.

Lavender, it's really nice... a little sweeter too.

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