26: Sick Gaming

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I figured out how to PS5 works, and Ghost made sure to help me through the process, saving an entry on it. 

He found that it's like an enhanced version of the PS4 back home, same company, yet... slightly magical. 

The games are nearly identical, however, I never got to play them, ever, because the collapse happened, and my memory was lost. 

I decide to let her slap me around a couple times on Little Big Planet, which... yes, two grown adults are going to play. 

We're like content creators... 

Really... "sus" content creators. 

Kali: I have the paint gun! 

Y/N: Why is your color white?! 

Kali: Come here! Let me spray you with the "white". 

Y/N: No, stop spraying cum on me! 

Kali: EWWWWW!!! You did not just say that! 

Y/N: You made me! We have to run from the sharks and you're busy cumming on me.

Eve pops her head around the corner. 

Eve: Who's cumming on who?! 

Kali: Not really! 

Eve: Awww...

Y/N: Maybe later, who knows?

Kali: Nope, he's mine for today! He said his reward is spending time with me! 

Eve: Awe, now that's adorable! By the way darling, I think you may have another love interest. 

Y/N: Who did you manipulate to fall for me, hmmm? 

Eve: Nobody but... you know me... I like sex. 

That's a given.

Y/N: Okay? 

Eve: Mmmm... guess who I heard in the shower, moaning your name? 

Y/N: Can we talk about this later? I'm playing games with Kali.

Kali: Yeah, real, wait your turn.

Eve: You wanna know who it is? 

Y/N: Let me guess, Kai'Sa, because their relationship isn't happy?

Eve: Actually, Jax told me to thank you on his behalf, apparently you saved their relationship. 

Y/N: So, who's the problem now? 

Eve: It's not her that's the problem... she's lost... heartbroken.

Y/N: It only leaves Sera, which I know she's so damn innocent that she wouldn't do that. 

Eve: Some of the most innocent are the guiltiest in the shadows... I may or may not have... gotten in her head, since she can't shake my charm, to find out if she had any real desire. Turns out, she loved Ben a lot, but had a soft spot for someone else. 

She sits on the couch in a seductive manner, gliding claws up my leg, through to my chest. 

She stops at my neck, then boops me on the nose with her index claw. 

Y/N: No shot... but... I'm... 

Eve: Like it or not, Y/N. You're hot, cute, courageous, for me... you'll slay anyone I tell you to, you desire impression, you're immortal, you... are perfect. Has any women before us, been able to tell you that? 

Kali: Stop filling his head with this mumbo jumbo! Eve... p-please... 

Eve: Sorry, sometimes I get a little carried away. 

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