40: Void Spindle

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Kai's crying seemed to cool down a bit, so now I have to watch out for her trigger words. 

Jax, him, as referring to Jax, engagement, marriage, babe, void, I was just guessing those last couple.

Y/N: Wanna watch a movie?

Kai: S-sure...

I wrap my arm around her, just trying to keep her warm.

She immediately plops her head on my chest, softly breathing with her eyes shut.

Y/N: I promised you while you were under Kai, and I'll say it again. I promise I'll help you through this. He wouldn't want anyone else to do it.

She's twiddling something in her hand.

Y/N: Whatcha got there?

Kai: A-a ring...

Y/N: the engagement ring?

She hands me the ring.

It's beautiful, adorned with all kinds of gems, with a hex crystal in the middle.


I hand it back to her, holding her hand that now has the ring in it.

Y/N: Just... I'll tell you this now that you calmed down, not only did I promise but... I want you to understand that you don't have to go through this alone, we're all with you a hundred percent. He wouldn't have wanted anyone else to help you through this. 

Kai: Y/N... I get it, t-thank you...

Y/N: Yeah, you-

Kai: You like me. 

Y/N: What? I... what? No... 

Kai: You don't like me? 

Y/N: No, I do, just... as a friend, you know? 

Kai: So, you're friend-zoning me? 

Y/N: You need to stop...

Kai smirks, snickering just a little. 

It's adorable to see her like that. 

Kai: I'm sorry... I can see that you're bothered, I d-don't want to give off the wrong impression.

Y/N: Kai, it's fine, you can talk to me however you want, if you think that's bad, you should hear how Sammy used to talk to me. 

Kai: Sammy? That damn... kidnapper...

Y/N: She saved your life, albeit not the way I would've chosen, but please... be grateful... the world wouldn't be the same without you. 

Kai: You can rephrase that and try again.

Y/N: Moody today, aren't we? the world needs you.

Kai: Again...

Y/N: The world needs you? 

Kai: Now, we both know that's not what you really mean.

Y/N: You're right, my world wouldn't be the same without you, because... 

Kai: You like...

Y/N: I like my girls, Ahri, Eve, Kali, and Sera, if something were to happen to you, it would affect them. Also, a little bit to me too... losing a close friend like that is tragic, and... it would destroy the K/DA and destroy the girls too. I know what you're trying to do, I'm not going to say it, this is not how you cope with a loss. You patch the hole, not refill it. 

Kai: But the hole will still be there.

Y/N: Depends on what kind of hole it is. Once it's patched, it will heal on its own. So, we can figure out how to patch it, what do you like to do for fun? 

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