36: Valus Sera'urn

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It sounds... incredible...

She really is a musician, a talented one at that.

When she finishes her quick solo, jamming out, the guitar strings glow from a blue to pink, then back to blue.

Y/N: Is that a charm spell?

Art: No, it changes colors based on the mood of the user.

Y/N: So... blue is default?

Art: Yep.

Y/N: What's pink?

Sera begins to blush, looking away again, Lyfe gives me a furrowing shell brow.

Y/N: Hmmm... alright.

Art: I hope you like your present, Sear-bear.

Sera: P-please don't call me that.

Art: Oh yeah, that's right, ugh that Ben kid... breaking my girl's heart.

Arthur hugs his daughter, and they share a moment with one another.

Sera: This was the best gift ever, dad. <I love you...>

Art: <I love you too, beansprout.>

Ghost and Y/N: Aww...

Art: Alright, now it's grilling time.

Y/N: Grilling? Oh yeah... I expected this.

Art comes over to me patting my shoulder.

Art: You've shown you know your stuff, which I can admire. Now, I can't make you split wood with me or anything like that, how well can you shovel?

Y/N: Like, snow?

Art: Like snow...

Y/N: I can do it.

He passes me a snow shovel.

Sera: Dad...

Art: Relax, he's doing it with me. Come on out back, we'll shovel the back porch.

We walk into the house.

Y/N: Nice place...

Very rustic, classical, with hextech gadgets scattered about the place.

I bet this is the divorced dad life, your house scattered with what you like, your achievements, your... you.

You do what you want, I guess.

Art: Door's frozen.

He tugs on the sliding door to the back, then I gently pat his shoulder.

Y/N: Here, I got it.


I break the door loose, pushing it aside and stepping back into the snow.

Art: You start at one end, I'll start at the other, you got it?

Y/N: Yep, seems easy enough.

Art: I just want to see how you act, boy, I don't mean nothin' by it.

Y/N: No, it's fine.

I dig into the snow.

Y/N: I expected something like this, you just want to grill me, see how I tick, see how I'll act under pressure with someone I hardly know.

Art: Smart guy...

Y/N: Yeah, I like to think so.

Art: You just know everything, don't ya?

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