T10: So Brutal

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Ahri: He hasn't returned my calls. Holy fuck, I'm freaking oooout! Y/N!!! SHIMMER!!! ANSWER!!!

Eve: Maybe he just cut and left; fucking men are all the same... *scoff*

Ahri: Hey, my man ain't gay!

Eve: Yeah, but he was helping Tobias before he went missing, was he not? Don't be surprised if you find his sausage link inside some buns...

Ahri: Okay, first off, ew, second off, Tobias being gay should have nothing to do with this. In fact, Tobias being gay should really be YOUR problem, since he DIVORCED YOU, and I KNOW Y/N would TELL ME IF HE WERE GAY!!! NOW STOP TAINTING MY ALREADY CONCERNED MIND!!!

Kali: To add onto that, it takes a lot of thinking and time to really decide if you want to embrace the gay.

Kai: You guys are talking like it's a disease... he just finds love in the opposite sex, I get it...

Sera: You get what now?

Kai: W-we all had those thoughts when we were y-younger... j-just... y-yeah...

Ahri: Alright... he's not picking up and I can't get ahold of Tobias, nor the ghosts. Call him...

Eve: Call who? Oh... no...

Ahri: Call... him...

Eve: No.

Ahri: He's just like him, he'll know where to find him, he has Lyfe's database too!

Eve: He was nothing but trouble!

She starts to blush and shake her head, looking off in another direction.

Kali: You wanted to see what he was packing under there, don't lie. You love his boldness, how he was able to flirt with you right in front of your husband... you want him...

Eve: UGH!!! You and your words, darling.

Kali: You love me for it, t'was how I was raised...

Yasuo: Ain't that right? Hey, you're off limits to him too, you know.

Kali: Ugh... yeah, I know, don't worry, I could never swap you out, plus, he's just a robot.

Omega, let's hope you aren't busy...


Omega: So, what do we do when it's hot enough?

Ornn: PULL IT OUT!!! PULL IT OUT NOW!!! Don't get it on your robot parts, boy!

I yank on the metal, pouring into the mold, and behold... the Crowd Splitter, an age-old sword designed by the guardians, however improved with Ornn's teachings. Not only will this shred my bosses, but no Swordbearer is going to best me.... ever... again...

I transmat the sword away that way it can cool, but that sword is going to be tight! Like the original, only it glows red when it detects danger. The blade is sharper, it is lighter, easier to muscle around with my light weight.

Omega: <Brother>, I will never forget what you have done for me today.

Ornn: Please do not... if you are the god slayer that you say you are, then you and I will get along famously... across the land, people will know of the fire below the mountain and his guinea pig...

Omega: I prefer more... dragon...?

Ornn: You will earn that title someday.

Not only did Ornn teach me ways to make weapons, but ways to enhance what I already have. My black scorched armor, now shinier, and infused with Freljordian steel, honing my light even easier. Never have I ever fired a golden gun shot that has turned blue from the sheer heat.

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