T1: Meeting of the Minds

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Keep in mind, when I meant "few chapters" I meant like five to ten much longer, thought-out chapters with potential time skips, be warned. There may also be little to no lemons in this, MAY, KEYWORD IS MAY, but there will definitely be implied lemons. That's my plan so far, if you are seeing this, ages into the future, then you will know if this plan actually stayed or not. Okay, enough bullshitting, grab your crayon snack and clench your fists, let's go in full force. 








Shimmer, my pragmatic Ghost, she has a very therapeutic French voice but not when I throw myself through walls or pry doors open with the risk of crushing myself. She's not concerned about me dying, but more her dying, because she isn't nearly invulnerable, or immortal I guess, like me. 

Y/N: Yes, it was, Shim! We gotta go. If this "Veil" is so important, then we gotta get the fuck on! 

Shim: Ugh... why did you have to start talking again...

My name is Y/N, and I am a Titan that serves the Last City, it has been that way for many, many years... I am a human, nothing special, other than the fact I'm one of the few guardians who can harness aspects of the darkness, like Strand, and Stasis. 

The Last City is what we call home, however I do most of my operations with the Vanguard in the Tower. it is fueled by the light of the Traveler; in fact, a lot of stuff was until another Collapse happened. I don't know, a LOT has happened. 

From assassinating members of the Vanguard to a giant worm thing eating a twink, all the way to fighting and killing another ancient god or four... allying with what we thought were enemies... a queen and said twink coming back to life... the list goes on... I'd say my list of triumphs in my book has gotten pretty lengthy. 

Alright, I'll talk about myself when it's more convenient. This whole story, this whole entry in the lore books all starts with the Witness. But first, let's resume where I left off, slamming head first into a 12-inch Neomuni steel door. A steel door that belonged to Neomuna, on planet Neptune, before it was raided and seized by servants of what we called "the darkness" actually ended up just being pawns of the Witness...

Shim: Come on, <FASTER, FASTER!> We must beat Calus there! 

Calus had a long history, but most notably getting overthrown off the Cabal empire. Now, he runs an elite squad of people that have left the legion with him. I killed him a few times, only to find out he just simply doesn't like to die for some reason, like he thinks he matters in this equation. The Cabal, 800-pound fat people that like to eat and take over planets and blow them up when they can't. Seriously, I weigh close to 600, and they make me look skinny. 

Caiatl, her daughter, is also one of our allies and helps us lead an army of Cabal into battle. However, at the end of all this, like many of my other adventures, it's just me left. For some reason, not even Osiris, or even one of those cyborg freaks is talking to me as I'm running down into the depths. 

Calus blasted the door open, but I was able to beat his guys and blast my own door open. Now, we're running down into the depths, where hopefully I CAN FIND OUT WHAT THIS FUCKING VEIL DOES, WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT?! The Witness apparently wants it, so maybe that's it. Guess what Osiris said to me? 

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