T18: Ward of End

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I wake up in the morning, stretching and getting up out bed. I beeline it to my bathroom, doing the usual stuff. When I leave, I look around my room, remembering the first time I came in here. I remember when this was just a handout, but now I'm a registered resident. I am the K/DA basement dweller. 

I first arrived to the K/DA mansion all the way back in 2024, according to their time, that's when it was. It's 2044 now in their world, and I've been on a few wild rides. I put my jacket on and head outside, might work on some Christmas lights since that's around the corner. 

I got no old person symptoms, and I mean I don't age when I still got the light in me. 

Shim: There you are, <master>! How are you this morning!

Y/N: Eh, just woke up, how's the kids? 

Shim: Ace is asleep, and so is Cayde, looks like Ionians are good mothers. 

Y/N: Good, good... did you run-

Low-Lyfe: Seraphine is infertile, stop fucking asking!

Lyfe flies around, looking flashy in her new shell. Her beat-up crimson shell was exchanged out for another silver ball but painted red by Akali. Speaking of, our son, Ace? Oh fuck, that kid is motherfucking athlete. Cayde? He's going to be like his mom, Ahri, he's got the fox genes and has a good voice on him, I'm proud. 

Life ain't all hunky-dory though, wish it could be...

Seraphine is infertile, said she might've gained it from her mom's side of the family, which is sad to here. So, we might resort to adoption, but only time'll tell. Bao II is doing well, such a good kitty, and black this time instead of the bleach white. 

Evelynn and I had the first kid of the group, and uhh... we had a falling out... not me and Eve, no, the kid. He was a little moody since the start and refused to live in this rich lifestyle. I respect it, he wanted his boots on the ground. So, first chance he got, when he graduated primary school, went straight to the military. His name was Adam, and uhh... he ain't dead... but we haven't gotten a letter from him since he got home... least he made it home safe, I wish him the best. 

He definitely got that behavior from me, prior to a special Exo person's death. OH! We're all married by the way, yep, that wedding bill was fucked, but we had it. I climb on the ladder, adjacent to Cayde's room, looks like he's up early too, practicing some stand-up, no... he's not developing jokes... I thought he was singing! 

I named him Cayde thinking he wouldn't end up like him... whatever. I still love my boy. 

So, what about Kai'Sa? Yeah, what about Kai'Sa... we did have a kid yeah. And since it was a Void-spawn, technically, we gotta be extra careful with the lady. Unlike Eve and Ahri's kids that are grown, well... Ace is kinda grown, he's 16, anyway, Ellie, Kai and I's child, she's 17, but holy shit is she a... force to be reckoned with. 

We tried anger management until we figured out it wasn't anger, tried getting her into a therapist, and the therapist got put through a wall. It literally wasn't her fault until we had to contact Bel'Veth to help. She came here and found out she had an "essence imbalance".

Apparently, a lady from this world's Void and a Light-bearer SHOULD NOT have kids unless they want an unstable magic child that could make or break themself or the world around them. She's a nice kid, but this isn't a fucking phase, this is a battle inside that kid's head. I've been working with her to channel her powers, but-

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