7: Trials of Kitsunes

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Vi: Damn girl, you can stretch those girls! What are you having?

Ahri: Did you get mint?

Vi: No... sorry... you know I can't get it...

Ahri: Ugh... a mojito isn't the same without it!

I look at Ghost, who's hovering to my left.

His shell widens, like he's curious.

Y/N: We have mint, or... we had some mint leaves from Old Russia.

Graves: I already see what you're trying to do kid...

Y/N: Kid? I'm probably older than you!

Graves: Excuse me? I'm pushing forty soon!

Y/N: Oh? I'm probably pushing eight hundred forty!

Ghost: Ahem... closer to seven ninety...

Graves: Fuck off... I'll drink to that.

Ahri: Do you geezers have mint?

Graves: Hey, respect your elders!

I turn around, facing her.

Ahri: O-oh s-sorry! I thought you were someone else...

Y/N: I just have one of those faces.

No I don't.

Ghost: Found some mint!

He transmats some mint onto the bar counter, and... it's still fresh, judging by the smell.

Graves pats my shoulder and walks off, leaving me to talk to this songstress that I haven't even met, yet I know the name of.

Ahri: Wow... this is perfect! Where did you find mint this fresh? Like... this is GMO levels of clean...

Y/N: I mean, I'm sure hundreds of years of peace to live and grow allowed it to take off.

Ahri: Every time I tried to have mint in the garden, it would outgrow all the other plants, even swallow them whole...

Y/N: You do gardening?

Ahri: Oh! Uhm... n-no my... one of my servants does.

Y/N: You have servants?

Ahri: Well, they call themselves servants, personally I'd just call them glorified maids, picking up our trash, doing our laundry, gardening.

Y/N: Hmmm... lucky, I'm used to doing almost everything myself.

Ghost: AHEM!!!

Ghost is ready to zap me.

Y/N: With the help of my little Traveler buddy of course!

The mojito hits the counter as Ahri goes-

Ahri: Awwww... he's so cute! <Little Fellow!>

Korean... two can play at that game.

Ghost: Well... thank you!

Ahri holds his hand out to the Ghost.

Ghost disables his hover module, landing on her hand.

Ahri then starts patting him, which I can't tell if it bothers him, or he likes it.

Y/N: <You been at the sausage long?>

Ahri: What?

Y/N: Sorry... <How long have you been singing?>

Ahri: OH! <Since I was little!>

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