5: Vehicle Link Enabled

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Jinx: So, what goes into a "transmat link"?

Y/N: Well, obviously a signal, but first let's find a console or something-

A random girl pops her head out of a chest as soon as I put my hand on the lid.

Zeri: HERE'S ZERI!!!

Y/N: Oh! Oh... hi Zeri, I'm Y/N.

Zeri: Hmmm...

Her green hair sparks and glows in the slightly dimmed room.

I can see electricity channeling through her.

She studies me, I can even see current going through her eyes...

Zeri: You aren't from around here...

Y/N: What made it obvious? Fish-out-of-water look or that my technology is far more advanced?

Zeri: Not that advanced!

Ghost comes over and scans Zeri, making her flinch as he adds an entry.

Ghost: Are you sure you're human?

Zeri: Yeah... I just underwent a uhhh... experiment!

Jinx: Zeri, where's the generator you found?

Zeri: Oh, that radio transponder? It's in the corner, under that cover! I couldn't figure out what it was for, though.

Y/N: Might be for my spaceship.

Zeri: A spaceship? Woah... now I need to see what's up, Y/N.

Y/N: I'm just a guardian from another dimension, my job was to use my light to purge the darkness. But... those days might be over, hopefully this can get me to my ship and get me home.

Zeri: If you're across a dimension, how can you know if it'll get you home? From... sci-fi novels... jumping and warping doesn't work across dimensions.

Ghost: Well, trial and error.

Zeri: Hello little buddy!

The little Ghost gets in her face and scans her a little.

Ghost: Hello there! Zeri?

Zeri: That's me! So, are you remote controlled or...

Ghost: Sort of... I am sentient, but I draw power from the light. Y/N found these world runes with the help of another sorcerer, apparently, they give of the same energy that keeps us alive and powerful back home.

Jinx: And what sorcerer is that?

Y/N: Ryze, a really nice guy, I think.

Ghost: More like, a possible ally, given the circumstances.

Jinx: Never met him-

Zeri: Ryze... the rune mage?! You met a legend!

Y/N: And... I met Zilean, another sorcerer, along with Bel'Vath. They all desire overall... safety... in their regions.

Zeri: I mean- WHOOP!

She slips on me, and I can tell it was on purpose, because she falls against my chest.

Zeri: Woah... you're rock solid!

Y/N: That's because under this trench coat, is synthetic weave, along with a nano suit, to protect me from everything and anything. I can stop a rocket sometimes...

Zeri: Synthetic weave?

Ghost: A master craft of golden age technology! Capable of letting the light flow through his armor. He could possibly weigh in the tons without the light, but the light allows him to control his armor and his firearms to peak efficiency.

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