9: Demonic Presence

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Jinx: Morning neighbor! 

Y/N: Hi Jinx... 

Jinx follows me down the stairs to chat with me. 

Jinx: So, what are we doing today? 

Y/N: Well, you had me be the muscle for a shimmer deal, I'm guessing we're doing something similar? 

Jinx: I was more thinking of experimenting with your powers. 

Y/N: You don't wanna do that. 

Jinx: Also, what happened to all your armor? 

Y/N: I'd rather look more like a resident rather than a planet's last hope survival. I feel... it'll help me transition better to this new life I live. I just found out Chase, my old love might be actually dead...

Jinx: Eh, people die, sorry for your loss. 

Y/N: Thanks... I guess... where did Zeri go? 

Jinx: You trying to one-night-stand her too? 

Y/N: What? No! She's just your friend so I figured she may want to do something. And for the record... Ahri and I are linking up tonight. She just had to leave because she's busy. 

Jinx: Busy... pfft... it was a test to see if you really liked her! She probably creamed at your call! "Ohh... Ahri... I had so much fun last night... I need you..." 

Y/N: I didn't sound like that! 

Ghost: Imagine more confident. 

Jinx replies in a deeper voice.

Jinx: "Ohh... I really enjoyed last night, we should do it again, babe." 

She giggles, and messes with my hair that I took no time perfecting in the morning. 

I just swept it back, like how it should be done, that way when you put a helmet on it doesn't get in your face. 

Although, it's not long enough to have any airtight problems. 

Vi is down here, polishing the counter for the next night. 

Vi: Morning guys, so... was it a happy ending? 

Y/N: Endless teasing from all of you? Wish you'd warn me first...

Vi snickers. 

Vi: A lady like that, everyone is going to be jealous, Y/N.

Y/N: Like you? 

Vi: What? Pfft... I don't swing that way, honey. Maybe her...

Jinx: What? Nawww... okay, well, anyway... wanna help me with a job today? 

Y/N: Sure, what is it?

Ghost: Guardian...

Y/N: What? 

Ghost: We shouldn't be getting involved in illegal activities...

Y/N: Ghost, take a look around pal, we've been here for a little while, this is as legal as it gets down here. 

Jinx: Ain't that the truth.

Y/N: So, how about you hand me my Imago Loop, please? 

He transmats the silver hand cannon, dropping it in my palm, and I holster it in my coat. 

Y/N: I trust you'll keep me safe; you've been the best ghost a guardian could ask for. 

Ghost: Your words are very flattering... thank you! Okay, let's go do this thing...

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