21: Assholery

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Kat: So, it wasn't even your idea to fight? 

Y/N: No, this was involuntary as fuck! 

Ghost transmats my helmet when it hits the bar counter, zapping and sealing up Kat's chest the best he can. 

Kat: You got me deep in the chest with whatever that was... was that a void sword? 

Y/N: I say the best power for a celestial blade would be anything void... because it eats away at things, like fire, but worse.

Kat: And here's my motto... never play fair... and I get outdone by someone who plays even more unfair... heh... *grunt* 

Ghost: That's all I can do on such short notice; the rest is up to the human body! 

Kat: If you want, I could find who signed you up.

Y/N: No thanks, I already know who. 

Kat: What're you gonna do, stab them? Sounds hot. 

Y/N: No... and I have a girlfriend... sorry.

Ghost glares at me. 

Y/N: Girlfriends...

Kat: Wait... were you the guy who was with Evelynn at Lux? 

Y/N: Sure am. 

Kat: Well, well, well, lucky you, hell of a woman. 

Y/N: That's for sure. 

Kat: Well, hey, thanks for... sparing my life... you gave me a new way of thinking. 

She pats my shoulder, downing her drink.

She surprises me with a kiss on the cheek, and then she limps out of the bar. 

The three stooges- I mean... the guys come around the corner, heading to the bar to join me. 


Jax: Holy shit... bro that was insane! 

Yasuo?: I mean, it was cool I guess... but I don't see anyone more fitting... 

I turn around and Ben pats my shoulder again. 

Ben: Good job, bud, that was crazy! 

Jax: Oh my... bro... the guardian in action, you hear he wasted Kayn? 

Y/N: I don't want to talk about that...

Jax: No, man, thank you! He was a big pain in the ass! 

Yasuo: One of the reasons I left Ahri was because that fucktard was in the house... 

Y/N: Oh, you're Yasuo! Y/N.

Yasuo: Yeah, I know you are... thanks...

Y/N: Rough day? 

Yasuo: *Sigh* You remind me of my break-up, and when a loved one passes away...

Y/N: Oh man... I'm sorry to hear that. Now, I got a question.

Jax: Shoot. 

Y/N: Who signed me up for the fight? And you have to give me the truth. 

Jax: D-depends on the punishment... 

Y/N: You will get socked in the face, and you can't get out of it. Are we drinking? 

Yasuo: Dog, of course we're drinking. 

Y/N: Good, that'll numb the pain! 

Jax: Fuck...

Y/N: Was it you? 

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