T8: Fire and Ice

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So, that conversation Omega had with Gwen seemed to go somewhere. Ahri and I were getting ideas to disappear into a changing room while Omega was getting some clothes fitted, but uhh... looks like someone beat us to it...

Gwen muffled: Mmmm... oh, YEAH!!!

Omega muffled: Si, mami... oh, work it like that... 

The door to the changing room starts rattling more and then I see Gwen's hands latch onto the top of it. Ahri and I both look down and Deci is just there, giving them privacy while entertaining the worm. 

There is no gauge on how much luck we have right now. Nobody is in this store right now, so they are able to do this. However, the thoughts that me and Ahri were sharing have just been... oh... oh, not to Ahri they haven't. Ahri looks up at me with a blushing smirk on her face. 

Together, we both start to giggle....


After they were done "fitting", Ahri and I finished up in the bathroom. Don't worry, it was just cleaned, and the door was locked, but this day has been nothing but degeneracy ever since that knight croaked. 

Ahri and I finish kissing after what we just did. Let's just say, she Striga'd all over my Osteo... uh... She Osteo my Striga till I toxic overloaded. She horny on my Gally for real... no, I just fucked the shit out of her in the bathroom, like... no point in making it sound cool, it was just sheer degeneracy, giving it to her on the sink. 

Ahri pulls her undies back up and tightens her skirt, following me out of the bathroom. She snickers and dashes like she's fleeing from a crime scene. 

Ahri: Oh, that was so fun, thanks...

Y/N: No, thank you... 

Ahri: Ehehe... I love you...

Y/N: I love you more... 

We round the bathroom to see Omega checking out his clothes, and he looks snazzy. A black, acid washed jean jacket, a True Damage shirt, some fitted leather pants, and some low-cut boots that make him look like a rocker boy. It's not the fit I would've imagined, but I can't imagine any fit on him, he's a bright red robot. 

Looking at Gwen, her blue twintails are a little frizzled, and her one ribbon is nearly unraveled. Her salad has definitely been tossed. The worm, Nashor, is loving his little cowboy hat and is eating a piece of fabric that someone gave him. 

I am convinced Nashor will try to eat anything. 

Nashor: *Cooing, squeaking noises* Eck... ehh... 

Gwen: Let me know if you're in the area again... maybe we could get you fitted again. 

Omega: Hmmmm... okay, maybe... 

Gwen: I think we could...

Omega: Maybe... 

Y/N: Hey guys! 

Both of them jolt at Ahri and I's sudden entry. 

Omega: Oh, hey, we ready to go?

Y/N: Are you? Got all your things, everything fit in the right places? 

Omega: More or less... 

Deci: You are an animal. 

Omega: Oh, stay jealous that you can't have any. 

Deci: If I had a body... 

Omega: Okay, come on Nash, my little chalupa! 

Nashor: Eeeeee.... *Squeak, cooing noise* 

Omega picks up the worm and puts him on his shoulder. Nashor is able to stick to his jacket and hang on, munching on his piece of cloth. Looks like it's some kind of cotton that he's really liking. Wonder what it tastes like to him, maybe he can't even taste at all. 

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