T12: Looking for Confession

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Six days later, Eve's body is cold, even after we gave her plenty of time to heal. Her wounds are patched, and I think have finally clotted so she won't bleed as much. Her bruises all over her body are going to take a bit more work. However, I think she'll be alright if we just give her what her body needs, with respect too, always remember respect. 

She's out cold, but at least she's breathing, and her heart is pumping. Yasuo and I have been taking shifts, having more time to talk more about stuff as well as developing a newer respect for Evelynn. You'd think for a demoness she'd be less susceptible to manipulation, but even her spirit was human once... 

Omega was always fast, he always had these loyalty issues, however I'm hoping he realizes it now, especially in his new life, that shit won't fly. This Lissandra chick better be a fucking gem to him, because this slippery snake behavior is going to get him killed... 

Eve: Ohhh... mmmph... *more groaning* 

Y/N: Well, she said something...

Sera: I heard it... that's great! 

Y/N: You gonna go to bed soon? 

Sera: Yeah, just... thought about our party a bit.

Y/N: Yeah? 

Sera: It was really fun... and although Omega might be banned from the house, both of you showed me a fun time and... well... since you're the smaller asshole-

Y/N: I'm still an asshole? 

Sera: You shot my friend! 

Y/N: I apologized... 

Sera: I wanna tell you that I'd... like to do something like that again sometime. 

Y/N: What, you falling in the pool and me having to save you? 

Sera: No... hehe... I mean taking me out and doing something fun. 

Y/N: Like what? 

Sera: I haven't put too much thought into it yet... but... well--

Y/N: Think about Ahri first. Kai probably feels the same way now that I'm thinking about it... 

I say that, but I am fully willing to go out with Sera. I've said it many times and I'll say it again, I like all of them and I'm willing to get intimate if they are. I don't want to spare a single one to anyone else now, so I'm actually kind of happy that Omega isn't chasing Eve. 



Each day has gotten worse, not for guilt... guilt isn't a big feeling of mine... but illness. Liss brings me some tea to help my throat, blessed by the other monks of the Frostguard. Freljord is a cruel place, but the facts will keep you safe, alongside the light. 

I gently sit up, rolling to the foot of the bed. I had to stop using my armor as it chose to suffocate me instead of protecting me. Eve whispered a curse into me, I'm guessing when she was on my cockpit she decided to whisper it into me. That... or she did it that night we... yeah... sort of like a mark... of ownership or something. 

Omega: *Cough* <Thank you, lady of ice.>

Lissandra: Of course, for your promises and your presence, I would do whatever is necessary. 

She holds the teacup out. I take it, looking up into her eyes, empty, but not soulless, for a blind woman, she has a beautiful face. She reaches out both her hands, and I take one, then she holds onto it with both of them, smirking. Drinking the tea, it burns my throat, however it numbs the pain. 

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