41: Annual Voiding

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After that shitshow at the studio, we stayed inside for... quite a while. 

About another few days or so, long enough for Kai to get out of her depression phase. 

She's still upset, but she's beginning to accept that this is her life now, and that Jax would want her to keep going.

We made it all the way to Christmas though, and... for once... I see a smile on her face, and it isn't because I'm looking at her. 

She's genuinely happy. 

As of right now, its Christmas Eve night, Sera and Kali are already in bed because one got back from dirt biking, and the other was sledding with their dad. 

Even when you're grown up, sledding can still be fun as hell.

Especially with a guardian thrown in the mix...

It's just me, Kai, Ahri, and Eve. 

Ahri is cuddled up with me, so is Eve on the other side. 

Eve's tails stroke my leg slowly as I envelop myself in their warmth. 

Ahri's tails? They warm me up too, wrapping around my back. 

Eve: Oh, I just love the holidays, the cuddles, the coziness, the attire... I love being able to cuddle with my big, handsome... darling... I love you so much that I could just... stay here for eternity. 

Y/N: I mean of course, I wouldn't want it any other way. 

Ahri: Don't forget about me! 

Y/N: How could I? The beautiful queen, adorned in the ugliest sweater I've ever seen...

Ahri begins to giggle when out of the corner of my eye, a Kai sipping her eggnog is there, looking off at the tv, looking like she's about to cry... again. 

I'd call her emotional, but the timing of all of this is horrible. 

What ever happened to the summer heat? Where happiness flowed and... radiated off of just about anything. 

She probably had Christmas plans with Jax, hell, I mean, I do with the girls, and we're not even doing presents! 

We aren't, that's what Eve told me.

She told me that we're each other's presents, and Ahri said the same thing, and that we may not do them this year. 

If someone gets me a gift, I'm literally going to... well... I have no idea what I'm going to do. 

I said that to Kali, that was a mistake... now she's expecting me to shit my pants. 

Y/N: If you get me a gift, I'm going to... like... I have no idea, probably-

Kali: Shit pant. 

Y/N: What?

Her humiliating giggle echoes in the back of my head as Ahri's purrs take it over. 

I rub her ears, and she repositions herself to lay on my lap.

When I hold my hand in front of her face, she paws at it like an actual fox.

Ahri: Stahp... *groan* 

Eve whispers: If you think you're not getting some mommy daddy Christmas fun time tonight then you're mistaken. 

Immediately, I can feel something rising down there, OH NO!!! AHRI!!!

Ahri: What... the... fuck... Eve... we've been over this! 

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