29: ((DESERT ROSE~))

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Ahri pokes her head out of the door.

Ahri: I'm sorry boo... I just hate to see you like this... yelling at your friends...

Y/N: Remember, the backyard is destroyed, and she started it... *sniff*

Ahri: I realized that; love you babe...

She smooches me, then Eve steals a smooch, then Kali.

Kali: Please be nice to her... I know she seems bitchy but... help her out... Lyfe got in my head, I think she's nice.

Lyfe floats through the door, analyzing me.

Lyfe: Two more days... Ghost says, and you'll start feeling better. What helps is comfortability, help me get my guardian back.

Y/N: So, some SIVA nods infused with Vex tech is what disabled my ship?

Lyfe: Yep, you know that stuff is deadly, and you know her... she doesn't clean...

Y/N: She's depressed.

Lyfe: I never wanted to admit it.

Y/N: The motivation and vaulting of personal items, participating in the Crucible to escape the threats that life prepared for us, it's all so obvious. I broke her... I shouldn't have done that.

I look over at the bottom of the porch steps, Lyfe looks too.

Y/N: I got this.

Sam is crying in the sunset, watching the multiple suns go down.

I sniffle and cough, accidentally announcing my presents.

Sam: Go away... so I can forget...

Y/N: Nope, that's not happening. Sammy, I'm sorry, that was uncalled for.

Sam: But you're right, I'm just... a failure... I don't deserve the light, these powers... I don't help anyone, just hurt others...

Y/N: You provide the people of the tower one of the greatest things of modern society.

Sam: Violence? *Sniff*

Y/N: A distraction.

Sam: I don't understand...

I cough a little, spitting out some more mucus into the puking bush.

Y/N: With you playing the Crucible, kicking ass, becoming triumphant in Trials, you provide the world the distraction, so that we can do what we do best, without the city worrying non-stop. I only ever despised it because... I'll be honest, I was never good. Something about... pulling the trigger on my fellow guardian, I can't do that.

Sam: *Sniff* What always helped me at the beginning was, big alien... scary... *sniff, giggle* and... if you don't pull that trigger on the guardian, then they definitely will, that's the sport. It was only invented because you know we won't die.

Y/N: Well, there's nobody I'd rather play with in the Crucible, if only we could do a Control tournament...

Three zones, six v. six, to say it wasn't fun would... be... the biggest lie in history.

Sam: Ahaha... I still remember that shitty speech I gave you when you were around the sixteenth level instead of the fortieth.

Y/N: How did it go?

Sam clears her throat.

Sam: Something something... err... "Two rules for every fight. Don't ask for permission, don't ask for forgiveness."

Y/N: That was so corny but I love it.

Sam giggles alongside me, then I rub her shoulder, my best to console her.

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