Chapter 3

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After hours of lovemaking, of losing themselves in one another, Steve and Eva fell asleep. However, a short time after, Eva woke up worry filling her. She grabbed one of Steve's shirts and made her way through the compound. She worried that something may have happened when she traveled through time.

After a while, she made her way to the lab, even with getting a little lost on the way. She saw Bruce was looking over some research, so she knocked. He looked up, his expression showing he had been expecting someone else, but he gave her a polite smile anyway.

"Hey," he said. "We haven't met. I'm Bruce."

"Evelyn," she replied.

"What can I do for you?"

"Well, I was hoping you could look into something for me, just to be safe."

"Sure. Come over here, and I can get everything set up."

After an hour, everything was done. Bruce gave her directions to get back to Steve's room and she went back to bed. On the way, she passed Wanda and both smiled at each other.

Once back in the room, she carefully climbed into bed and snuggled into the blankets, drifting back into a peaceful sleep.


Eva opened her eyes. For a moment, she didn't recognize where she was. However, it was the aches all over her body that made her smile and brought her wonderful reality back to her. She turned on her side, her smile growing when she saw the most handsome man in her bed next to her. She caressed Steve's face, marveling at how lucky she was. Watching him open his eyes, the nightmare and the events during the night were long forgotten.

Steve looked Eva's face over, in awe that she was there. He couldn't believe she was with him. The love of his life. His Evelyn.

"You look so beautiful in the morning," he whispered, afraid that if he spoke too loud, she would disappear and all would have been a dream.

Eva gave a small chuckle and said, "Still such a charmer."

"It's true." He pulled her in closer. "I missed waking up next to you."

She gave his nose a kiss. "Me too. Now, let's get up and start the day."

She tried to get out of bed, but he pulled her back to him. "Do we have to? Why don't we just spend the day in bed? We can make up for lost time, I can bring you food, and we can watch movies all day."

Eva scrunched up her nose. "Sounds fun, but I need a shower first."

She managed to escape the bed, only for Steve to follow her and take hold of her hips. "I think you smell great."

She smiled up at him. "You never find any fault in me. After last night, I need a shower, Steve."

Just as he was about to respond, there was a knock on the door and Bucky's voice came through, saying, "Steve, you guys up? Wanda made breakfast. Hurry or Sam will eat it all."

Steve could hear that the end of that was a lie as he said, "Awful timing, Buck."

Bucky sighed. "Everyone wants to meet Evelyn. Even that Ant-guy is here with his friends."

"Great." Steve look exasperated as he caressed Eva's cheek and looked at her with adoration. "Can't I get just one day with you? I-"

Eva gave him a small kiss before saying, "We get the introductions out of the way, we'll have the rest of the day for... fun."

Steve smiled. "Now that sounds like a good plan to me."

But a small peck wasn't going to cut it for Steve. He gave her a long, tender kiss that made Eva weak in the knees. They got dressed, though Eva had to try and make do with Steve's shirt for the time being. Not that he was going to complain. He had ruined her dress the night before. He was glad that his shirt looked more like a mini dress on her. Looking at her, he got a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. When she noticed, she squealed and ran from the room with a giggle, the blond super soldier chasing after her.

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