Chapter 49

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While Eva and Steve were working through their new bump, Loki and Thor were trying to enjoy themselves. The key word being "trying." Between the girls coming to flirt with Thor so blatantly and his many Midgardian fans, Loki felt awkward. It didn't help that many people would give him death stares.

And he couldn't blame them. He gripped his cup or his pant leg, trying to stay centered in the present. The looks gave him flashes of the people that would use him back at the safe house. At one point, Thor went to talk to the hostess, leaving Loki alone.

"Hey," said one man, causing Loki to stiffen. "We don't want you here."

"I know," Loki responded. "I'm not exactly thrilled to be here either."

"Then leave!" the woman with him yelled.

"This is a family place!" another man said. "You plan on attacking here too?"

"No," Loki replied, fighting tears.

"Enough!" Thor yelled out. "If you don't want us here, we will go!"

"We don't mind you!" the woman said, smiling sweetly. "It's just-"

"If my brother isn't allowed, then neither am I!"

"Let's not get upset-" the hostess tried to calm the situation.

"We don't want the murderer here!" the second man said.

Thor called Mjollnir to him and replied, "He has more than atoned for what was out of his control!" He pointed the hammer at the man. "You know not of what he has suffered by the hands of people like you! Now, we will take our business elsewhere!"

"Wait!" one little girl said. "He looks scared!"

Loki looked at her, shocked. She couldn't have been more than five. The first man and woman, her parents, tried to stop her, but this little red-headed child ran up to Loki and gave him a hug. As much as he wanted to put up the front, this innocent child seeing his pain caused him to break down.

"It's okay," she whispered in the now quiet dining room. "There are no monsters here. My daddy fights the monsters in my closet and keeps me safe. There aren't any monsters here. Mr. Thor will keep you safe."

Loki pulled back, trying to compose himself as he nodded and said, "Thank you, little one."

She gave him a smile before returning to her seat. Her parents looked her over and saw nothing was wrong. She then looked at her teddy bear that was sitting next to her. She carried it back to Loki.

"Mr. Bear is strong," she explained. "He keeps me safe at night. He can keep you safe too."

"I wouldn't dare take such a good friend from you," Loki said, rubbing her head and making her giggle. "I'll let him continue to keep you safe."

"Okay," she said. "Mr. Loki, no one will hurt you here."

She skipped back to her table. The others returned to their meal, shocked by what they had seen. Thor sat back down but kept his hammer nearby. He smiled at Loki.

After that incident, the night was smoother. Even the fans kept their distance. Loki found himself enjoying the time alone with Thor. He even flirted a little!

As their time was drawing to a close, Loki felt as if he had made no progress. Did Thor have to be so thick-headed? Loki lifted his glass for a final toast.

"Well," he stated, "it's been a... tolerable night." More like disappointing.

"Agreed," Thor laughed. "I've had fun."

"If you say so." Idiot.

Loki's demeanor confused Thor. "What do you mean, Loki?"

Loki sighed. "The people always coming to the table, the looks... it gets old." Except for the child.

"I cannot make them leave, Loki. I have asked the staff to intervene, however."

"You- you did?" When did that happen?

"Of course. This is time we are spending as brothers, not Avenger and enemy."

That's all I'll ever be to him. "Right..."


"Nothing." I want more.

"Do not hide from me, brother."

Now or never. "What if I... if I don't want to be brothers?"

"I do not understand."

Loki sighed. "Thor... about what Stark said-"

Thor moved closer to Loki, who visibly relaxed. "You finally going to admit it now?"

Loki looked at Thor. "I beg your pardon?"

Thor cautiously took Loki's hand. "Did you never wonder why Mother never reprimanded you each time you stabbed me?"

Loki stared at Thor for a moment. No, he couldn't possibly know. But the look in the Thunder God's eyes told him he had held the secret for how many centuries? How had Loki never guessed?

Thor chuckled and said, "She knew and told me when she explained your love language." Loki just stared, dumbstruck. "I was waiting on you to tell me first before I said anything." Loki gave a confused look, not knowing what Thor was getting at. "And your face told me everything."

Was he actually paying attention? Loki smiled at the thought even as he asked, "And you aren't... dis-"

Thor pulled the dark-haired god in and kissed him hard. This earned shocked gasps from other tables, but neither cared nor noticed.

"Why would I when I have felt the same?" Thor asked in a quiet voice.

"Why would I when I have felt the same?" Thor asked in a quiet voice

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