Chapter 26

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Eva paced up and down the lab. She was so distraught, she didn't notice Bucky walking by. She was just getting used to how quiet he was now, having learned his past.

"Hey, Eva," he said before doing a double take and seeing the look on her face. "What's got you upset?"

Eva jumped, caught her breath, and got her nerves under control before answering, "I think Nat held back last night," she began to fidget with her dress, "because she just-"

Bucky took in what she said, his face storming over. He turned to finally punch it into Nat that Eva was off limits. However, Tony blocked the door.

"Calm down, Terminator," Stark said. "I handled it."

Bucky got in his face and growled, "And what did you do?"

"I sent her on a vacation to clear her head."

This didn't sit well with the super soldier. "You can't be serious!"

Bucky knew that was the single worse idea Tony had had yet. He just gave Nat time to stew on her obsession, not get over it. The Widow would return, even more determined to have Eva. It had nearly happened to Bucky after Wakanda.

Eva put a shaky hand on his flesh shoulder as she said, "It's fine, Bucky." She looked at the younger man. "Thank you for all your help, Tony."

Bucky looked at her, his face like stone as he asked, "How are you okay with this?"

She gave a smile as she gestured between the two men. "Because I have friends like you to be there when I need you."

This sent anger through the brunette soldier. "No excuse. When Steve finds out-"

They all turned when a voice inquired, "When Steve finds out what?"

Tony tried to defuse the situation with a smile as he said, "Nat's gone on a vacation."

Bucky put in the missing information by adding, "After Tony saved Eva from her."

This enraged Steve, who said, "What the hell?"

"Steve," Eva began, getting upset again.

That's when it hit the blond man. "You weren't going to tell me, were you?"

Eva's sad silence spoke volumes.

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