Chapter 107

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That afternoon, Thor returned. He had a couple of minor cuts on him, but nothing that would be lasting. This didn't stop Loki from dragging him from the entryway to their room to clean every "wound," if something the size of a paper cut could be called that.

Of course, no one wanted to check on them when they hadn't returned after fifteen minutes. They did manage to trick Tony into going to their shared room since he had shown up late to lunch. He got halfway down the hall before running back.

"All of you," he said as he pointed to his friends, who were trying not to laugh, "you're a bunch of dicks. I did not need to hear that! I'm getting this place soundproofed!"

"It isn't already?" Eva asked.

"Not enough!"

Bucky and Eva shivered in disgust at the thought of Loki's voice carrying to their rooms before both of them looked at each other. Eva's face was red while Bucky wore a proud smirk. Sam and Steve wore the same expressions, though opposite of their partners.

Loki, however, had Thor pounding him into the bed at a rate that only a god could endure. Loki added to the marks on Thor's back, his nails digging into the flesh as pure ecstasy coursed through him. He would never tire of Thor dominating him to the point that he couldn't walk. And Thor wanted to worship his partner for all eternity, if that is what it took for Loki to understand even a fraction of the love the golden god held for him.

"I love you," Loki gasped out after they had been in their bubble of pleasure for some time.

"And I you," Thor said, separating their bodies.

"Can we stay here? I'm so tired."

"Let's get you cleaned up, ᛚᛟᚢᛖ- love. Then, we can rest."

They decided to shower rather than take a bath. Loki gave Thor a mischievous smile, knowing what his partner was doing. With ease, Thor lifted Loki into his arms and was inside him again so that the dark-haired man had to hold onto his lover.

"I thought we were getting clean," Loki moaned.

"You have to get dirty to need cleaning," Thor said through clenched teeth.

Loki then kissed Thor, their tongues dueling. If forever was the pleasure of Thor's cock slamming into him, if it was this fire running through his veins, Loki would take it and never let go. The developing bruises on Loki's hips from Thor's strong fingers told the pale god that the man he loved felt the same.

Once they had finished and officially got cleaned, Thor carried Loki to the bed. Even as tired as he was, Loki fixed the blankets so that they were clean and fresh. Thor gave his lover a hard kiss, proud he used his powers so effortlessly. Loki hummed before they parted, snuggling into Thor's chest. He was asleep before his head had even hit the pillow. No nightmares assaulted him as the pair rested.


It had been a week since Thor's emergency mission. Things had started to get better. Almost normal, the triplets dared to hope.

Loki had started training with the rest of the Avengers, as had Eva. Both practiced their powers, but trained their combat skills more. They understood that their powers were limited and could be cut off suddenly. Neither wanted to be helpless ever again.

Today, Loki was training with Sam on using his abilities while Eva and Bucky practiced with guns. Sam flew through the large practice arena while Loki threw his powers at him.

At one point, Sam felt the breeze as a green ball flew past him and called out, "Never thought I'd say this, but good job on almost hitting me."

Thor, who had been lifting weights, went up and wrapped his arms around Loki, saying, "Yes, ᛚᛟᚢᛖ-love. Well done."

Loki gave a proud smile, even as he replied, "I couldn't have done it without Eva giving me a push." He turned to look at the lady in question. "Right, sister?"

He saw Eva staring into a dark corner of the room as Bucky put up the weapons they had been using. Her face was blank but there was a hint of fear in her eyes. Steve walked in and saw Eva. He walked over to her.

"Baby?" he asked cautiously. "What is it?"

She jumped and turned to look at him, saying with a nervous chuckle, "Huh? Oh, nothing. Nothing's wrong, Stevie."

He knew then that she was lying as he hadn't asked what was bothering her. He tipped her head up gently so that she was looking at him.

"Don't hold it in," he said, his voice soft. "It's okay to not be okay. Talk to me."

She began to tear up and replied, "I wanted to train some more, and I found-"

She couldn't finish the sentence and just pointed so that only Steve could see. He looked and saw a hidden cache that said "Romanoff" on it. He held Eva as she quietly sobbed into his chest.

"It's okay," he soothed. "Let it out. I've got you."

Loki became worried and said, "Sister? What did you-"

Thor turned Loki to him after Steve gave a subtle shake of his head, saying, "Come, ᛚᛟᚢᛖ- love. Let's get you and Lady Evelyn out of here and rest a bit."

Loki gave a small smile. "Okay, ᛈᛖᛏ- pet."

The two couples left the gym and Bucky went to see what had upset his sister. He clenched his fists. Tony joined him moments later.

"I thought you removed everything," the super soldier growled.

"I thought I had," said Tony, equally as upset. "Go make sure she's okay. I'll handle this."

Bucky stomped out of the room as the billionaire and Sam set to work dismantling the cache.

Bucky stomped out of the room as the billionaire and Sam set to work dismantling the cache

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