Chapter 51

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As they walked in, holding hands, everyone could tell that they felt a little awkward. But the joy on their faces let them know that they would work out, even if they had to move mountains to make it happen.

"We have returned!" Thor announced unnecessarily.

Eva just looked at Loki and Thor's hands. She was smiling and holding back tears. Loki gave her a smile she had yet to see. It was carefree, happy, and at peace for the moment. No, the trauma wasn't gone, but for now, his life was the one he always dreamed of. It was a truly beautiful smile.

"Yes," Loki said to the question burning on Eva's lips, "we are together."

Tony smiled and said, "Well, congrats you two."

"Yeah," added Bucky, "but you and Evelyn don't need to push yourselves too hard, got it."

He knew what it was like to try and force normalcy to happen and it never worked out. He may be further along on his healing journey than them by about three years, but he felt responsible for them. Having gone through it first, he could guide them, help them navigate the tougher aspects healing brings, and keep them from making the same mistakes he made that had only served to hurt himself and others. He wanted their journeys to be smoother than his own.

Loki smiled at his new boyfriend as he said, "I doubt Thor would let me."

Eva, however, forced out a laugh and replied with a flick of her hair, "As if I would do that."

Steve looked at her. She was forcing herself to sleep in the bed next to him. He could feel it. She was trying to move too fast.

"I mean it, Eva," Bucky instructed. "Trying to do too much this early will only hurt everyone, not just you."

Thor looked at Steve, asking, "The good Captain would not allow such a thing, right?"

Steve didn't hear, and instead inquired, "Evelyn... are you-"

Loki, having read Eva's mind took her hand. He wasn't going to have her called out in front of everyone.

"Eva, come with me," the dark-haired god said.

Once alone on the terrace, Eve gave a nervous chuckle as she asked, "What are you doing, Mischief?"

"Are you insane?" he yelled. "You aren't in control enough for this!"

Eva's eyes began to glow as rage filled her. "It was either this or talk to HER! I'd rather rot in hell than face her right now. Which, honestly, doesn't sound bad."

That's when it hit him. "You and I have taken on traits of the other."

Eva gave a mischievous smile. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Loki began to get nervous. "I never said-"

"Mischief," she played with her magic, "I think it's time you drop this before someone gets hurt."

Eva walked away, leaving a stunned Loki behind. "Shit."

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