Chapter 6

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While Steve and Eva were in his room, Nat took this time to ask, "Bucky, how close are Steve and Evelyn?"

Without hesitation and with full confidence, he answered, "Ready to get married tomorrow. Don't ruin this for them, especially Steve."

It was clear that Bucky thought Nat's intention was to go for his blond counterpart. In all the time Steve had been unfrozen, Nat had been bouncing her attention between every male member of the Avengers that was available, apart from Clint. Now that Steve seemed off the table like Barton, Bucky, Sam, Tony, and Bruce, it appeared as if the Widow set her eyes on Steve since he hadn't officially declared himself tied to Eva.

Having Eva back meant that Steve was more himself. Eva brought out a side of Steve that no one else could even come close to touching. Bucky didn't want the dull, almost depressed, and lifeless Steve to return just for Nat to have a cheap thrill.

"I won't ruin anything for Steve or Evelyn," Nat replied with a smirk. "I'm just curious."

Since he hadn't said Eva's name, he knew then what she wanted and got in Nat's face, saying in a dark tone, "I know you, Romanoff. You're Bi, and that's fine. But Evelyn and Steve aren't. Stay out of it."

Wanda stepped in, having dealt with Nat's darker side before, and added, "No stealing the girl, Nat."

Nat looked back in the direction of Steve's room, exasperated. The wheels in her head were turning. All kinds of thoughts ran through the redhead's mind. What would she taste like? What kind of face would she make while making love? Would she be a good girl or a brat? How long could she be played with? How could I make her mine?

Tony, trying to change the subject, said, "Now that that's settled, is no one else disturbed by the fact that Steve is sleep-"

Hank interrupted, "I'd rather not hear about it, thanks."

"Same," chimed in Bucky, understanding Hank's need to keep quiet on the subject. "They're both like siblings to me. So, please, shut up, Stark."

Nat, not having paid attention to the small conversation, said, "I'll be nice. She's cute, though."

This only set Bucky off again. "Nat, I swear to God-"

"Don't threaten me, Barnes." The Widow gave him a dark look.

One he returned. "Then stop!"

Nat stomped to her room. It was opposite to Steve's, which meant she didn't have to hear Eva begging or Steve giving orders. Nat lay on her bed, naked. She thought back to when Eva first arrived the day before. She looked like an angel when she appeared in a puff of blue smoke. Beautiful beyond anything she had ever seen before.

With the thoughts from earlier playing in her mind and imagining what Steve was doing to Eva, Nat began to play with her tits with one hand while fishing for her favorite toy with the other. Once found, she didn't bother lubing it before thrusting it in as far as she could bear it and turning it on so that the strong vibrations traveled from her dripping womanhood to every part of her body.

She climaxed hard and fast at the thought of eating Eva out and using all sorts of fun things on her. It was then that Nat realized how much of a problem she was getting into. She needed to squash the feelings that were fast growing out of her control. The problem was, she didn't know if she wanted to or if she was even able to.

"What am I going to do?" Nat whispered into her pillow, tears falling as she didn't recognize that it was already too late.

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