Chapter 162

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As the night continued, and everyone enjoyed the festivities, the partygoers started to get tipsy. To allow the mortals to get drunk at the same rate as Asgardians was a feat, but the barmaids were careful to water down the ale so that the Midgardians would not get alcohol poisoning.

Many people were dancing, one being a slightly drunk Loki. He was so exuberant, he didn't notice someone eyeing him from across the hall.

Volstagg, however, did and asked, "See something you like, Fandral?"

The blond warrior took a hearty gulp of his ale before saying, "I don't know what you mean."

Thor stole a glaring glance at the man who was supposed to be his friend. Something was going on with the warrior and it was grating on Thor's nerves. But he didn't want to ruin the night for Loki, who was making his way back to the group.

Volstagg, drunker than the others, kept on and said, "I remember you saying how you enjoyed your alone time with Loki in the past, Fan."

Eva, Bucky, and Thor's heads snapped to the blond man. All three were ready to jump up and attack if need be. Steve took a tighter hold on his wife while Sam snuggled into his husband, starting to get tired. This calmed Loki's siblings a bit, but they still weren't happy.

Thor, on the other hand, was getting upset and asked, "Is this true, Fandral?"

The other man replied, "You really think I would bed someone like Loki?"

Loki stopped short of the table, having heard what Fandral had said. There was a pained look on his face. Seeing this, lightning played over Thor's body.

"And what is wrong with my husband?" the god yelled.

"And here comes the fireworks," Bucky said, chuckling as Thor stalked towards Fandral and Loki went after to defuse the situation.

Eva added, "And one of Loki's conquests has reared their ugly head."

"Loki's conquest?" Volstagg replied, his voice loud in his drunken stupor. "Dear lady, no! Fandral would brag that he managed to have the Dark Prince on his back, screaming about Fandral's 'glory!'"

"Gross!" Eva commented, making a disgusted face.

Buck then said, "If Thor doesn't-"

Volstagg laughed, but this enraged Thor more. The man in front of him tried to stammer out an explanation, but the golden god would hear none of it.

"Thor!" Loki called out, almost pleading with his husband. "He's in the past! Don't turn him into a roast pig!"

Sam, waking slightly from all the yelling, said with a chuckle, "See this usually happens in the South-"

Bucky shook his head, stating, "Doll, you're not helping."

They all jumped up when Loki said, "Thor! Don't kill the idiot!"

Using his powers, Thor threw Fandral through a wall and into the outer hall. Some of the barmaids rushed to Fandral's side, a couple went to get the healers for the man's burns and other injuries. Thor turned to Loki, tears in his glazed eyes. It was clear that the ale had played a small part in the outburst.

"You are a beautiful person, ᛚᛟᚢᛖ - love," Thor said, caressing Loki's cheek. "Always. I am proud to call you mine, and only mine. Do you understand?"

Loki leaned into his husband's hand as he replied, "I know, ᛈᛖᛏ - pet. Come, let's get you to bed before you call the Valkyrie on us."

With that, the newlyweds left their party. As Loki went to open the door to their room, Thor began kissing his neck. It took everything in the green god to not give in.

"ᛈᛖᛏ - pet, you have drunk much tonight," Loki moaned. "As have I. As much as I want you right now, I also want us to remember our first night as husband and husband."

"If that is what you wish, ᛚᛟᚢᛖ - love," Thor said, lying on their bed, "then so be it. But you will be the first thing I feast upon when the sun rises."

Loki had to fight the groan of need trying to escape. He helped his beloved into his nightclothes and they fell asleep. They didn't know when the rest of their Earth family had gone to bed, but once the couple of the hour had retired, the party soon wound down and everyone went to their own chambers for the night.

Except for Fandral, who had to spend it in the healing room.

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