Chapter 159

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The Avengers waited outside, their bags packed. After all of the destroyed lawns, Tony finally built a special "landing pad" for when Thor traveled to and from Asgard. The symbol was now permanently burned into the concrete, but Tony did try to make it look nice.

 The symbol was now permanently burned into the concrete, but Tony did try to make it look nice

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Loki sat on a bench against the wall of the compound, watching for Bucky and Sam to pull up. It felt as if the minutes were turning into hours. If they didn't leave soon, Thor and Loki would be late to their wedding and they wouldn't hear the end of it from their mother.

"He's not coming, is he?" Loki asked after some time, looking dejected.

Eva and Thor tried to comfort him. That was when Bucky approached the group from the opposite side of the compound everyone was watching. His super soldier hearing had allowed him to listen to the group talking. Sam thought a surprise arrival would be best and Bucky had agreed at the time, but now he wanted to kick his husband's ass.

"Do you really not trust me to come to your wedding?" Bucky asked.

Everyone turned to him as Eva, who had heard his approach, said, "Bubba, you haven't exactly accepted that Loki still loves Asgard. You get a short fuse when it's mentioned."

"Whether I like Asgard or not, I would never miss his wedding."

"That's good to know, but you cut it awfully close."

Loki smiled at his brother and they hugged as Sam said, "I would have made sure he came, don't worry."

Bucky glared at Sam, who looked a little sheepish. Yeah, the coffee-skinned man knew his idea had backfired and he was in for a good punishment later. He would never complain about that.

Loki looked around as everyone gathered their things and asked, "Shall Thor and I summon the Bifrost now or wait? I am anxious to get there."

Bruce held Wanda's hand as he said, "I have a slight concern. Is this safe for the baby? Evelyn is at a critical point right now."

"I can assure you that-"

Steve added, "I've been worried about that. Do we have time to-"

Seeing that the talk was starting to get to Loki, who feared they would arrive too late, Wanda suggested, "If others can hold on to us, then Eva, Loki, and I can shield the baby."

Eva knew that she could do it alone, but the thought of others lending aid sounded amazing. Plus, it would keep Steve from trying to put her in bubble wrap.

"We need to concentrate heavily," Eva said. "Alright?"

She wasn't lying. On their own, one or two of them would need a lot of concentration to hold the barrier around the tiny cells growing inside of her. But three of them wouldn't need to focus as much. Their powers would weave together, making a strong sphere around Eva's womb.

"Sounds good to me," Steve said, placated for the moment. "Let's go."

They all got ready in the intricate circle and Thor lifted his hammer. The rainbow lights engulfed them and they shot upward. Steve held onto Eva tightly, worry filling him. Now that they were traveling, the speed and pressure took away any confidence he had in the three magic users.

When they stumbled out, Bucky put his hands on his knees and tried to stop the world from spinning as he muttered to himself, "Every damn time. Oh God, I may actually throw up this time."

Steve looked around, almost in shock that they had arrived. His concentration had been on his family, so he hadn't noticed much else. For the first time, he wasn't puking when they landed on Asgard. The others were a mix as usual, but Steve felt proud that his weak stomach had been placated this time.

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