Chapter 35

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The jet made its way to the compound. Clint watched over a sleeping Nat, who was placed in the onboard holding cell. SHIELD agents were waiting to take her to a secure facility with a twenty-four-hour watch. Clint had placed a blanket between the back of the jet and the front so that Loki and Eva didn't have to look at her.

Steve and Bucky sat in the front. Steve didn't know how to comfort Eva and he knew that if he tried, his own emotions would get the better of him. Bucky, however, wanted to give Loki and Eva space, knowing they hadn't had much of it before. Thor tried to be there for Loki by sitting next to him on the flight.

But Loki refused to leave Eva's side, both of them clinging to each other. Being in the jet reminded them too much of the "safe" house, so soon after being free of it. They fought curling up in a corner somewhere and holding each other. When Bucky looked back, he motioned to Steve to fly faster. Steve looked over his shoulder for a moment before nodding to his friend.

Upon landing, Bucky knelt in front of the two of them while the others handled the agents. He didn't try to touch them, just waited for them to look up at him. It took a moment before they did.

"I know the ride wasn't pleasant," he said in a soft tone. "And I know there is nothing anyone can say or do to change what happened. Just know you two aren't alone in this. The first time I had an apartment after my escape and after I got help in Wakanda, the open spaces, the bed, everything overwhelmed me. But being in small spaces was tougher. I know the jet was putting you back there, but you both were very brave for enduring it."

"Don't talk to us like were children, Buck," Eva said. "It wasn't brave. It was the only way home."

"We just want out," Loki added. "We want open spaces."

"I get that," Bucky stated. "Come on. Let's get you two out of here and back outside. That will make it seem real again."

He walked with them. He noted that the illusion Eva had produced had mostly receded. He didn't offer to hold them back to change or anything. Eva was tired. She needed rest. Holding the illusion for so long had to be exhausting in and of itself. He did take off his jacket and offered it to her.

"Thank you," she said as she put it on.

Bucky nodded and went back into the jet for the blanket for Loki to wrap up in. Their outfits were thin and the air was crisp. The pair shivered but refused to move. They stood on the landing pad, taking in the night. Eva let some tears escape. Bucky knew the strength it took not to break down. Being given something after having everything taken from you was just as overwhelming as the sense of freedom.

After fifteen minutes, Clint came out and said, "Hey, let's get inside. Wanda made some food if you are hungry."

Eva discreetly wiped her tears before she and Loki followed. The food, if you could call it that, in the "safe" house had been dismal at best and nonexistent at worse. They were starved but held back.

"It isn't a trick," Bucky said, sensing what was on Loki and Eva's minds. "And if you don't like something, we won't be upset. Tell us if you need or want anything. Just go slow so you don't make yourselves sick."

"It feels like years since we could-" Loki began.

"You can ask for things. The real Avengers don't make you degrade yourselves for a crust of bread. And we won't punish you if you want something. Come on. Let's go see everyone and eat."

They walked in. It was clear that Steve and Thor had hung back to wait. They weren't going to let Eva and Loki confront the others alone, but they didn't want to intrude on the time they needed to recenter themselves.

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