Chapter 24

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While the others were talking downstairs, Steve led Eva back to their room. Once the door was closed behind them, she started towards the bed.

"Baby, you shouldn't have done that," Steve said, starting to sober up.

She turned to him, shock on her face as she asked, "You can't be serious, Steve!" Tears started forming. "She played on your insecurities and hurt you."

Steve let his anger get the better of him as he was still somewhat drunk. "That doesn't mean you can kill someone!" Eva gasped, stepping back a little, letting Steve know his outburst was too much. He went to her and rubbed her arms. "I'm sorry for yelling."

"Do you think I went too far?" Her voice was small.


Taking that as his answer, a tear fell. "I just don't like seeing you like that, Stevie."

He caressed her cheek, wiping the droplet away, as he looked at her lovingly. "And I love that you want to protect me, sweetheart. But you can't kill someone just because I get upset."

Eva finally let the tears fall. "I'm sorry, Stevie. I just couldn't-"

He kissed her, letting her know everything was okay. "I know. I feel the same way about you."

"You know I only go for violence as a last resort." Eva chuckled, wiping her tears away.

He shared her laughter. "I know. You get more intimate when you go after someone."

A glint lit up Eva's eyes. It made Steve's eyes darken with desire. She began to unbutton Steve's shirt that she was wearing, revealing her plump breasts.

"Well," she said, her voice sultry, "maybe I should show my feelings for you in a more intimate way."

He pulled her to him, one hand on her ass, the other palming her breast. The feel of the cold air around them mixing with the warmth of her soldier sent goosebumps over her skin and an ache to build in her core.

"Is that so?" Steve replied, his voice deeper because of his hunger. "Then show me, princess."

She gave him a kiss before saying, "Yes, Captain."

Their lips crashed together. The only time they parted was for air and to remove Steve's undershirt. Though she loved when he was fully clothed while she was open for him to ogle as they made love, she also loved it when she could feel every inch of his body over hers.

She received a surprise when he lifted her so that she was forced to wrap her legs around him. He instantly sheathed himself inside of her, earning a loud moan in return. He laced his fingers through hers and lifted them above her head as he kissed her neck and set a slow pace.

"St-Stevie," she gasped.

"What's my name, princess?" he asked against her skin.


He nipped her, earning a yelp. "Try again."

"Oh, God! Captain, please!"

He released her hands so he could carry her to the bed. However, they didn't make it that far. He took her to the floor. The wood had no give, so he was able to go deeper.

She clung to him, clawing his back, earning a growl from him. Eva tightened her legs around him as he began to leave marks everywhere he could reach. Steve loved how she couldn't keep quiet, no matter how hard she tried as his name came out in a chant, like it was the only thing she could register to say.

He picked up the pace, loving how her muscles tightened around him. The sound of skin slapping skin was loud in the night, but not as loud as his girl.

"Fuck, Captain!" she begged, seeing stars with each thrust and her mind going blank as he hit her most sensitive spot. "I need to cum! Please, please, please! Shit!"

"Not yet, princess," he gasped out.

His hand snaked down to play with her clit so that her back arched. Her nails dug into his back and drew blood. Still, it only egged him on more as a puddle began to form on the floor beneath them. Eva thought she would go insane if Steve didn't give her the order she desperately needed.

"Now, princess," he whispered in her ear.

Before he finished speaking, she was screaming his name as the tension in her stomach snapped hard. Birds on the balcony rail flew into the night. Not but a second after her, Steve followed, thick ropes filling her and sending her into a second orgasm.

They lay there a moment. Steve held himself off of her so his weight didn't crush her, but still close enough that he felt her breasts heaving as aftershocks wracked her body.

Slowly, he pulled out of her, earning a tired yet satisfied whimper from her. He went to the bathroom for a moment and returned with a warm rag, though the sound of water running could be heard. He began cleaning her before picking her up tenderly and carrying her to the bath.

He sat in the tub with her, holding her as she fell asleep in his arms and on his lap. He cleaned her as best as he could, knowing she was unable to move after all of that. When he was done, he lifted her out and dried her off, his touch gentle so as not to wake her.

He didn't bother with dressing her, opting to sleep next to her naked. He placed her in the bed, quickly closed the balcony door to keep out the chill of the night, and joined her under the blankets. She snuggled into him as soon as he lay down. He smiled, wrapped his arm around her, and fell asleep, his world safe in his embrace.

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