Chapter 170

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Everyone gathered in the meeting room. Many were in robes or PJs, all were looking tired. They had heard Eva scream for Steve and woke up, wondering what was going on. Steve had to fight the lump in his throat, but the Avengers managed to get the gist of the situation in the end and devastation hit the team hard.

"Out little princess was taken?" Bucky asked, anger building in him. "Why weren't we alerted?"

Tony looked over the last few hours of security data before saying, "No one broke in, so the alarm wasn't tripped."

Everyone knew of one person who would be crazy enough to try and kidnap a child from the Avengers Compound. The Death Widow. After a year, she was crawling out of her hole once more and Fiona's disappearance was proof of it.

"So you're saying someone we know and trust with my niece did this?" Loki asked. "Sided with Her? Who?"

Bruce began typing on the computer and pulled up some secret security feed as he said, "I looked at the nanny cam Evelyn put in there in case of a power outage," he hit a button to show the culprit, "and it was Yelena."

Yelena was supposed to be on a mission at the moment, so hearing her girlfriend's name and seeing her face had Sharon jumping up as she said, "No! I won't believe that Yaya did this!" She took another glance at the holo-screen. "At least, not willingly or through blackmail! She must have gotten to Yaya somehow!"

Bucky replied, "That only makes this situation worse, Sharon!"

If Yelena were brainwashed, that meant that the Death Widow could take any of them if she desired. Sam took his husband's hand. He knew this was Bucky's greatest fear threatening their family.

Sharon could tell that what she said bothered Bucky and understood why. It was killing her to think Yelena was brainwashed again. But to help her girlfriend and niece, she had to detach her emotions and act like the SHIELD Agent she was.

"Where's Evelyn?" the blond woman asked, all business. "We need to know what she saw when she entered the room."

Steve choked out, "She won't leave the nursery."

Bruce held Wanda as she let a single, understanding tear fall and said, "She must feel so guilty."

"She's holding Fiona's blanket and just sobbing." Just like he wanted to do.

Then, the holo-screen flashed to a familiar and hated symbol as FRIDAY said in a glitchy voice, "Incoming transmission from the Red Room by the Death Widow."

That's when her face appeared and she greeted, "Hello, Avengers

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That's when her face appeared and she greeted, "Hello, Avengers. I think I may have a couple of things that used to belong to you."

She moved off-screen for a moment before bringing Fiona into view. It was clear the little girl had been crying hard and had not stopped.

"Mama!" she called out. "Dada! Oki! Oocky! Elp!"

Steve, Bucky, and Loki felt a stabbing pain in their guts and chest. Hearing her cry for them and being unable to get to her instantly was tearing at their hearts.

Then, Yelena walked in, saying, "Madam Death Widow, you called for me?"

Nat sat Fiona in an empty playpen before turning to the other woman as she said, "Welcome home, little sister."

They touched their foreheads together for a moment and then hugged. "Good to be home."

When they parted, Death Widow's face was hard. "Now, take the brat to be with the other Baby Widows."

Yelena took Fiona in her arms. The little girl knew something was wrong and kept telling Yelena to wake up, but she acted so cold that it only made Fiona cry harder as they left. Then, it was just Death Widow on the monitor and the cries had faded away.

"Please," Steve begged, "just give me back my daughter."

Clint knew what was going through Steve's head. He had been there. No parent should have to live with this fear. Every dark scenario was running through Steve's head. Clint moved to stand next to Steve. They were fathers, and this was a fear they now shared. Clint wanted to be supportive, but nearby to talk him out of doing something stupid.

Nat seemed to look past everyone as she said with a smile, "Only if you hand Evelyn over to me."

Eva's voice had everyone turning as she replied without hesitation, "Deal!"

"See you soon, любовь - love."

Then, the screen went black.

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