Chapter 75

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⚠️*TW: Male Rape*⚠️

Most of what happens will be mentions, with the beginning stages of male-on-male rape.


Meanwhile, back at the compound, Eva, Loki, and Wanda were trying to keep busy. Wanda had a movie going while Eva and Loki tried to read. The problem was that Eva's scientific journal, while fascinating, couldn't keep her from feeling like something bad was going to happen. At the same time, Loki had read the same page of his book ten times now and he still couldn't tell what was happening. He finally had enough and set the book down, hard. Eva and Wanda looked at Loki.

"Are you sure they'll be alright?" he asked nervously for the umpteenth time.

Wanda paused the movie and said, "They know what they're doing. They'll be fine, Loki."

This didn't help Loki feel any better about the situation, nor did it ease the sense of dread for Eva. Both of them could tell that Wanda was worried as well. She played with the collar of her shirt, looking like she was trying to scratch an itch, but the god and super soldier knew better.

"I've seen what she can do, Wanda," Loki pointed out. "I'm sure she has a plan to keep them there, if not kill them."

Eva jumped up to pace as Wanda started to say, "I understand where you're coming from, but-"

Just then, they heard glass breaking. They all turned towards the noise, Loki jumping to Eva's side.

"Someone came uninvited," Eva growled, taking Loki's hand.

Wanda summoned her powers and said, "I'll go check."

As she was leaving, Loki tried to summon his own powers, but it was like they were gone except for a few small tricks. His heart began to race and he looked at his best friend.

He began saying, "Eva, I can't-"

She took both of his hands, giving him her full attention as she replied, "I know after a year, it's difficult to remember you still have powers but you do and you will be okay."

He gulped, terror evident in his eyes. The power dampener had done more than just take his powers from him. It had taken everything. He no longer felt like a God. He felt mortal. With that sense of vulnerability came fear. Seeing this, Eva took on a hard look, one that would have made the common folk of Asgard think of her as a Goddess.

"And if you are worried, then fake it until you make it," she added.

Her back straightened so that her small frame looked taller and more intimidating. Loki knew what she was doing. He had often done it as a young man when he felt his peers were bullying him. It was the stature of someone who was confident and so sure of themselves, that others backed down as they began to second guess their life choices. He wanted to be able to do that again, but the year in captivity had stripped him of even his false confidence.

"Funny," said a voice behind them, causing the pair to turn in surprise, "he never had to fake it for his clients."

That statement alone stole any chance Loki had at putting on a mask. Eva put him behind her and read the dog tags of the man in front of her. Him, a soldier? What a disgrace, Eva thought. This John Walker will pay for upsetting Loki and entering our home.

Eva's eyes began to glow as she started to ask, "Who are you, and why-"

John held up a burner phone, taunting, "I wouldn't. Not with the boyfriends still in danger. One move and I'll blow them sky high."

Loki looked at John in shock. The information on him and Thor was relatively new and no one knew about Eva and Steve outside of-

The Widow knew. John was the one to free her.

"I don't believe you," said Eva.

She had been practicing her powers since the rescue. Wanda and Loki helped, both teasing her and calling her the "Goddess of Mischief" for how similar her abilities were to her friend's. She could tell that John was lying. That phone had another use, but a hidden detonator was not one of them.

And he proved this fact when he ran up to Eva and punched her. She fell to the ground hard, her head ringing. He was a super soldier. A subpar one at best, but still, he was strong enough to make regaining her footing difficult.

"Eva!" Loki called out.

John took hold of Loki and pinned him to a wall, one hand holding one of Loki's wrists above his head. Loki tried to get the man in front of him to let go, to move away, but the fear that had taken over sapped any strength he may have had. One of John's knees held Loki's left leg in place, and the position meant John could painfully move it how he desired. John's free hand ran down Loki's body to the God's crotch, cupping and fondling him. Tears threatened to spill over as Loki held his breath, his mind screaming at him.

"Just you and me," John said in a hushed tone in Loki's ear. "I wonder-"

The flashbacks were fighting to play in front of Loki's eyes. He tried to stop his body from reacting, stop the feeling of men forcing themselves into him, and stop the degrading, foul words spat at him from playing in his ears. A single tear fell.

"S-stop!" Loki begged, but his voice came out quivering and barely a whisper.

John smiled, shoving his hand into Loki's pants, and began pumping as he replied, "I don't think I will until you are begging for me."

Loki looked over at Eva, who was still struggling to stop her dizzy spell. We have each other and she needs me. We don't give in. Loki looked back at John. He hurt her.

Loki felt a surge of power run through him at that thought. He wasn't going to waste what may be the only power he had left in him. He was going to make this man hurt for hitting Eva.

"Never again!" Loki cried out, shoving his hand and powers into John's chest, sending him flying across the room.

The suddenness of the attack had forced John to let Loki go. The intruder hit the far wall and fell to the ground, out cold. Loki collapsed to the ground, gasping for air and fighting to stay in the present. The feel of the hardwood under his hand helped. Eva managed to sit up and smirked at Loki.

"Now, that's how you do it," she said.

Loki looked up at her. That statement threw off the flashbacks. He had really used his powers. Eva had seen it. She was happy about them. He gave her a smile that could have powered the Compound for months. He was filled with joy that he had managed to use his abilities after so long.

"I'm just glad it worked," he said, trying to downplay the waves of pride and relief washing over him.

Wanda came running back in, saying, "JARVIS just told me." She saw John, still unconscious on the floor. "I'll take him."

Just then, the team came running in. The sound of Loki's powers and John hitting the wall had drowned out the sound of the quinjet landing. Bruce went right up to Wanda, kissing her hard.

"I'll help, precious," he said, earning a thousand-volt smile from his girlfriend.

Steve went to Eva's side, helping her up as he looked her over and said, "Evelyn! Are you okay?"

Thor practically tossed the others aside to run up to Loki. He flinched slightly when Thor touched him, but it didn't take long for him to melt into Thor as the blond God cupped his cheek lovingly.

"We got the alarm," the other Asgardian said. "Loki, are you hurt?"

"I'm perfect now, ᛈᛖᛏ," Loki said, before kissing Thor tenderly.

Eva smiled at Steve and responded, "Me, too."

She gave him a soft kiss, designed to reassure her partner. But something wasn't right and Eva knew it.

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