Chapter 37

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⚠️*TW: Trauma Nightmare, Rape and Sex Trade, Suffocation, Torture, Drowning, Electrocution*⚠️


Loki closed the door behind him, but not locking it. He, like Eva, refused to be locked in any room ever again. He checked to make sure the window was still open before climbing back into bed. He tossed and turned a bit before he got comfortable enough. He had gotten used to the hard mat, and having a bed was hard to adjust to. But he wasn't about to complain. He couldn't risk it.

He knew that Eva wouldn't sleep for the rest of the night. It was his turn to attempt to sleep. He felt safe enough to try for a few hours. However, even a god is not immune to trauma.

Loki stared in shock at the emotionless woman on the other side of the bars. The power dampener cut into the flesh of his neck, but what she planned to do to him... not even Thanos was that cruel.

He gasped, pain radiating through him. Without a word and with no warning, the Widow turned a dial on her machine again. Volt after volt of electricity ran through him. Foam dripped from his mouth as he convulsed and darkness took him. Just as he was about to be released from the torment, he was pulled back. He had to fight breaking down as she readied to start again.

The raven-haired god didn't dare look at his tormentor as he hung from the ceiling. She sat back, not yet satisfied with him. Then, with a slap of her hands on the arms of her chair, she got up and grabbed some plastic wrap. He heard it and his head snapped up. He tried to fight, to beg her not to do it, but she placed it around his face tight. No air got in. How many times had he nearly fled to the darkness only to be brought back by HER?

Today was something new. He saw a large barrel filled with water. He didn't dare move from the spot SHE dictated as she removed the lid. As if she were being kind, she led him to the edge. Was this for a bath? No, the redhead would never do that. This fact was proven as she pushed him in and replaced the lid. There must have been a hose in the barrel because any water he displaced from the fall was replaced and there was no air for him. When he could no longer hold his breath, he gulped in the water, hoping this time, he would be given the sweet release of death. But again, he was denied as he coughed up water and gasped for air. Nat stood above him, an evil smile playing on her lips as she flipped her hair from her face, almost saying he should be grateful she kept bringing him back.

Loki feared what he would face beyond the door. SHE looked gleeful and opened it. Inside was only a table and several people. He knew none of them and stayed rooted on the other side. Exasperated, Nat pushed him inside and locked the door. He fell to the floor, hard. He still hurt from the several deaths he suffered that morning. The group came up to him, beating him. They kept cursing him and saying he killed their family. Survivors of the Battle of New York and the attack on Germany. Then, one of them picked him up and laid him face down on the table. He felt cold air as his clothing, if one could call them that, were ripped from him before he felt a sharp pain as someone began to invade his body. Unable to contain it, he screamed.

"Stop!" he begged as he jolted upright.

Eva and Thor threw open the door. Out in the hall, Steve and Bucky were there as well. Eva motioned for them to stay back. Loki didn't need a crowded room. He could easily be overwhelmed by Thor being there and she knew it. She slowly entered and knelt in front of him. Thor stayed standing by the door, unsure of what to do.

When he didn't respond to her being there, just waiting for more, Eva said, "It's okay, Mischief." She moved to the bed next to him, where he clung to her, shaking. "They aren't here. SHE isn't here."

Normally, Loki would have let everything out, but Thor asked, "Are you alright, brother?"

"Y-yes," Loki responded, trying to get his emotions in check, "I'm fine, Thor. I didn't mean to wake you."

"You needn't worry. Do you wish to talk about it?"

Bucky bit back a groan from the hall. Loki stared in shock at his brother. No, he couldn't say what the nightmare was. He couldn't. Eva knew, and that was enough. Sensing Loki's hesitation, Thor went up to him as he had many times growing up and attempted to place his hand on Loki's shoulder. Eva had no chance to stop the golden-haired god.

Loki flinched back, clinging to Eva as he yelled, "Don't!"

Thor stepped back, tears falling as he said in devastation, "I-I'm sorry, Loki."

Rubbing her hand up and down Loki's back, Eva replied, "It's okay, Mischief. He won't hurt you. He doesn't know what happened. He wants to help and to understand."

The pale god looked at his friend for a moment before turning back to his brother. Thor had always looked so... infallible to Loki before. But now... he looked defeated. Loki had never seen the thunder god like this.

A small part couldn't hurt, Loki thought. It's so he can understand... can help. This is for Thor. He gulped and moved away from Eva, though he never released her hand.

Loki fought the tears threatening to fall as he took a breath and began, "She kept-" his breath was already getting faster, "kept killing me. Without my powers, I couldn't-" tightened his hold on Eva's hand and the blanket, anchoring himself, "I couldn't fight back or break free." He moved his hand from the blanket, rubbing his forehead. "Suffocation, electrocution, drowning... all the ways she could-" he was gasping now, "could bring me back after. Over and over and over again."

Thor, seeing how distressed Loki was, said, "Loki, you don't-"

But the floodgates had opened and Loki couldn't stop, tears falling as the memories flooded his mind. "Then, the people. She- she sold me to them. Hours, days. It didn't matter. Hel, she didn't care if they paid. She just let them... use m-me to fulfill... all their d-desires. Hands... tongues... f-fists... all of it... everywhere. But the worst was when she made Eva watch as she-"

Eva yanked her hand away and said, "Stop! You promised! Not a word!"

This told Steve and Bucky, who still stood in the hall, that they hadn't learned the true depth of the depravity Nat subjected Loki and Eva to while she held them prisoner. They were hiding the worst of it and Bucky knew that healing couldn't begin until they talked about it.

Thor knelt before Loki, trying to dry the rivers flowing over his cheeks as he said, "You need not speak of those atrocities further until you are ready."

Bucky knew that was the best possible statement Thor could have said at that moment. Loki became overwhelmed with everything and broke down. Thor moved to sit next to his brother and slowly put his hand on Loki's back. Though Loki jumped at the contact, he didn't move. This time, it wasn't from fear. He knew that both he and Thor needed it, a tie to when they were children play fighting in the palace gardens and Thor would comfort Loki after he lost their game.

After a time, Loki lay down. Knowing neither of them would fair well and too exhausted to walk back to her room, Eva placed her back to his. As if it were the balm they needed, both Loki and Eva passed out.

"I'll watch over them," Bucky said as Thor exited the room. "I'm not getting much sleep tonight anyway."

Steve and Thor thanked the dark-haired super soldier, everyone hoping this was the final nightmare of the night.

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