Don't be a friend |c.g|

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I'm coming back from the greenhouse when I see Madison sitting at the dining table alone. My eyebrows crease at the scene; we all know how the blonde loves to talk and be in the middle of everything going on — equally an almost admirable and annoying quality, but that's who she is. So when I see her alone and not looking like herself; I quietly make some tea and sit beside her. I place a cup in front of her as well and she sighs.

"How are you?"

I'm trying to gauge whether this is serious or if it's something she'll just brush off so I keep my voice light and almost neutral.

"I got upset but I'm fine"

She states this firmly, however I can tell she's lying simply by the way she drinks her tea. It's piping hot and yet she's drinking it as though it's cold, when I know for a fact her tongue is burning. Her walls are up but when it's Madison and I, it doesn't take much of a push to get them down. 

"So you're feeling better?"

I restate my previous question, allowing her to confirm or deny her statement. If she doesn't want to talk about it then she'll let me know but I have a feeling there's something unsaid.

"Well I was, but then we argued because I posted something about me being upset — I can't post whatever the fuck I want, thank you"

I almost smile at her sassiness but I understand now isn't the time. It's not uncommon for Mads to have little spats with her boyfriend. She's a bit more assertive than the average person and even with her past partners there's been little squabbles. It's a pattern she has that we've talked about often.

"I mean you know I'm not a social media person but, strictly from a surface level point of view, it seems like you were retaliating. I mean you had to know he would react on some level or another"

I don't necessarily want to point out that she likes the attention good or bad because truthfully, despite all the evidence, I don't think she's an attention whore. I think she just wants to be cared about and in some cases if a person gets upset it shows that they give at least one evident fuck.

"I honestly didn't really think about it when I did, but we talked about it and I'm not gonna do it again I just really didn't think he'd care"

Now... I'm confused. I mean I get it she didn't intentionally do it to piss him off because in her head he wouldn't acknowledge it anyway. However, I do believe it's worth mentioning why she feels that way.

"He's your boyfriend, why would he not care?"

"Not that I'm upset, dumbass, just that I posted it"

She says it slow and scoffs, as if that wasn't literally what I was referring to.

"I know... why wouldn't he care about that?"

"Cause I didn't think he'd pay attention to it"


At this point it seems like she just doesn't want to answer the question because she's not giving me a reason; I mean no reason or not understanding the reason would still be an answer I could wrap my head around.

"Look, I don't wanna talk about it, ok? Especially after the conversation we just had over it; I know I do things without thinking sometimes"

"No comment"

If she doesn't want to talk about it then that's perfectly fine because I assume this conversation will be one we'll have again. My point was to just nip it in the bud but I see that's not her goal today.

"It really wasn't your place to say anything in the first place"

She says this like she's upset and now I'm suddenly more confused than I was upon sitting down.

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