chapter 1: transmigrated

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Chapter 1

"Kill this traitor, kill this scumbag!"

"Yes, kill him, kill this Jiang family traitor!"

"People like him should die!"

"That's right, you dare to steal the family's holy relics, you really don't know how to live or die."

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

It hurts, it hurts, the burning pain all over the body stimulated Shen Xuyao's sensitive nerves, Shen Xuyao slowly opened his eyes, and the noisy voices around him took his sight away.

With a pair of blank eyes open, Shen Xuyao was a little silly looking at a group of men and women in ancient costumes, both men and women with long hair, who were arguing. I thought: What is this place? It’s strange. Didn’t he have a car accident? Didn't the car explode? Why is he here when he wakes up? Shouldn't he be lying on the hospital bed?

Now, what is the situation? Are you making a movie? No, no, it should be time-traveling. According to his years of experience in reading novels, Shen Xuyao feels that he should have time-traveled in this situation. Have you time-traveled? How come there is no memory of the original owner? Isn't that scientific?


The burning pain in his body pulled back Shen Xuyao's thoughts. Looking at a strong man standing in front of him, a big man with big arms, round waist, prickly muscles, and bearded face, he was flicking the whip in his hand and beating himself. Shen Xuyao couldn't help but twitched. Twitch the corners of your mouth.

" Uncle , do you have something to say, why are you beating someone?" As he spoke, Shen Xuyao instinctively wanted to dodge the whip in the opponent's hand, but he found depressingly that he was tied to a stone pillar, I can't move my hands and feet.

"Stop talking nonsense, you traitor, you thief, you deserve to die." Said viciously, the strong man pumped harder.

Hearing this, Shen Xuyao was silent for a while. So, he took the blame for the original owner as soon as he came, thief, is the original owner a thief? I don't know what I stole, and I was caught by others, which is stupid enough!

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Kill this dead trash!"

  "Kill this unfamiliar white-eyed wolf."

  "Kill this Jiang family traitor!"

  "Yes, kill this Jiang family traitor!"

  "Kill this traitor!"

Looking at the excited and righteously indignant men and women under the stands, Shen Xuyao frowned helplessly. Xin said: Is the popularity of the original owner so bad? He was tied to Xingtai, which was half a person's height, and whipped. A group of people applauded him and wanted to kill him. How bad is this popularity?

The original owner's luck is so bad, he was arrested for stealing and even beaten to death, and he will take the blame as soon as he crosses over, what should we do? You can't really let a group of natives be beaten to death! Thinking of this, Shen Xuyao was a little depressed. People who travel through time are all princes, princes, and martial arts masters. How come they become a thief when they come to him?

  "Grandpa, don't fight anymore. If you continue to fight, your cousin will die. Granddaughter, I beg you, please bypass my cousin!"

Just when Shen Xuyao was thinking about how to escape, suddenly, a girl in green clothes stepped out from the crowd. This girl looked about fourteen or five years old, and she was extremely beautiful, with a taste of a classical beauty, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was like a fish and a wild goose, and a moon-like shame.

Hearing the girl's pleading, everyone in the audience immediately fell silent. Everyone's eyes fell on the young girl, even the eyes of a white-haired old man sitting on the side also fell on his granddaughter.

"Shanshan, I know that you are very friendly and kind-hearted to your brothers and sisters, but Jiang Yuan made a big mistake this time. He sneaked into the Jiang family's forbidden area and stole the sacred objects handed down by Jiang's ancestors. What is the difference between a behavior and a traitor?" The old man said in a deep voice, not angry, but his aura was unusually tyrannical.

Looking at the angry grandfather, the girl frowned. He begged in a low voice: "Grandpa, my cousin is my aunt's blood after all! Besides, my aunt has already passed away. If there is something wrong with my cousin, how can we be worthy of my aunt's spirit in heaven?"

Hearing this, the old man looked at his granddaughter. He turned his head to look at the big man who was executing the execution. "Forget it, stop hitting."

"Yes, City Lord." After receiving the old man's order, the big man stopped whipping his whip and stepped aside.

Stupidly standing there, Shen Xuyao captured a lot of important information from the conversation between the girl and the old man. First, the girl who pleaded for her was named Jiang Shanshan, and the original owner's name was Jiang Yuan. The two are cousins and cousins. Second, the old man who spoke, that is, Jiang Shanshan's grandfather, is a castellan.

  Why is this setting so similar to the novel "Soul Pet Master Continent" I read?

  In the novel, the heroine's name just happens to be Jiang Shanshan, and the heroine's grandfather is also the lord of Tianhua City, a fourth-level soul pet master. Also, the heroine had an aunt named Jiang Ling'er who died, and left a large inheritance to the heroine after her death. There was also a cousin named Jiang Yuan who was whipped two hundred times for stealing the Jiang family's holy relics and was also beaten to death.

  Thinking of this, Shen Xuyao became restless, so the original owner had already been beaten to death, that's why he got this body. Calculated according to the time in the book, the heroine is now 14 years old, while Jiang Yuan is 13 years old.

While Shen Xuyao was thinking wildly, the melon-eating crowd watching the excitement had already left, and only the heroine ran up to Xingtai to help Shen Xuyao untie the rope on her body.

  Without the support of the rope and the stone pillar behind him, Shen Xuyao staggered and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Jiang Shanshan helped him in time. "Cousin, how are you?"

  Looking at Jiang Shanshan, Shen Xuyao reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth. "Cousin, I'm fine, thank you for saving me."

  "Let's go, I'll help you go back." With that said, Jiang Shanshan helped Shen Xuyao walk down Xingtai carefully.

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