Chapter 8 first-level mid-term

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Chapter 8

  three months later,

  Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Shen Xuyao is practicing, and there is a tub beside him, Xiaoyan is taking a bath in the tub, and Shadow of the Wind Wolf is lying quietly in the corner, in the small nest Shen Xuyao made for him, helping the two personal law enforcement.

  Soul pet masters are different from ordinary monks. Ordinary monks rely on their spiritual roots to cultivate. And soul pet masters rely on soul pets for cultivation. A soul pet master does not have a spiritual root, but there is a fire in the dantian of the soul pet master. When the soul pet absorbs the aura, it can be directly introduced to the owner, and then the soul pet master will transfer the aura in the body Introduced into the Dan fire in Dantian, this is the process of soul pet master training.

was gathering more and more, and my body was propped up by the aura like a balloon, which was very uncomfortable. Shen Xuyao took out a medicine to channel spiritual energy from the space ring, and poured it directly.

  With the help of the potion, the messy aura on Shen Xuyao's body quickly calmed down, and Shen Xuyao guided it into the fire of Dantian bit by bit. Suddenly, the Dan fire that was burning quietly was suddenly raised a lot, and Shen Xuyao felt the unusual warmth in the Dantian. The warm aura flowed into his limbs and bones, making him feel as if he was in a celestial state.

  Flying out of the tub, Xiaoyan floated in front of his master. "Oh, it's really not easy to advance to the next level."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao smiled in a good mood. "Have you advanced to the middle stage of the first level? Not bad!"

  Looking at his master, Xiaoyan couldn't help but snorted coldly. "You idiot, you should have contracted me when you were three years old. If you hadn't contracted too late, right now, we are at least at the second level of strength. I am a rare top-quality soul pet! Thirteen years old and one year old! In the middle of the grade, it's really too low."

  Facing Xiaoyan's complaints and thoughts, Shen Xuyao smiled wryly. "Don't worry, don't we advance very quickly? It's only been three months, isn't this a small realm?"

  "What do you know? It's because of the spiritual water that you can advance so quickly. However, although your spiritual water is good, you can't use it all the time. Master, you can find a way to get some other good things!"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao nodded. Even if you eat too much delicious food, you will get tired of eating it. Although spiritual water is good, if you use it too much, you will become immune. So, get some other good resources. However, my own strength is too low now, I'm afraid I have to wait a little longer to go to the three mountains!

  "How about I go to the town to buy some Lingyu? You haven't used Lingyu yet?" After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao thought of Lingyu.

  Lingyu is the most commonly used training resource for soul pet masters, and it can be bought in general shops. As long as the soul pet devours the spirit jade, the soul pet master can improve his strength.

  Looking at his master, Xiaoyan couldn't help blinking. "Going to town, that's great, I choose my own opportunities."

  "Okay! I can buy you a few more pieces of Lingyu." With that said, Shen Xuyao got out of bed, put Xiaoyan on his shoulders, walked out of the bedroom and went straight to the kitchen.

  "Master, we have been in this village for three months, and you haven't taken me to the town yet?"

  Hearing Xiaoyan's complaint, Shen Xuyao smiled wryly. "I'm being chased and killed now. We have to live in seclusion and be homeboys. We can't run to the town with nothing to do."

  Turning his head to look at Shen Xuyao, Xiaoyan looked puzzled. "Otaku, what is an otaku?"

  "It's a man like me who doesn't go out all day." Having said that, Shen Xuyao smiled wryly.

  After coming to Taohua Village, he only went to the town once. After buying enough food and daily necessities, he never went to the town again in the past three months and stayed at home all the time. During the day, he practices boxing and marksmanship in the yard. At night, he practiced in his room. Live like this every day, and never dare to slack off in the slightest.

  Hearing this, Xiaoyan blinked his small black eyes. "Cut, what's the future of a man who doesn't go out?"

  "We won't be nerds all the time. This is what we call trying to hide our strength and bide our time. When my strength improves, we can leave here and go to the mountains to experience and find more and better cultivation resources. To improve strength, difficulties are only temporary .”

  Hearing Shen Xuyao's comfort, Xiaoyan sighed. "knew."


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