Chapter 75 Stone Lion Puppet

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Chapter 75 Stone Lion Puppet

  After Shen Xuyao and Kane were ready, they arrived at the entrance of the medicine garden. Shen Xuyao took out a soul ring and hit the stone lion on the left directly.


  With a loud noise, the stone lion on the left was beaten into rubble, fell to the ground, and was successfully eliminated.

  Seeing that Shen Xuyao had succeeded, Kane immediately released his soul pet. The crystal ball turned into a magic wand and fell into Kane's hand. Kane waved the magic wand in his hand, bringing up gusts of wind, which made the magician's robe on Kane grin. The gusts of wind gathered together and turned into a stone giant as tall as a stone lion.

  Seeing the stone giant walking towards the stone lion with big feet and making a loud noise, Shen Xuyao couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said to himself: Kane is the most powerful fighter out there! ? Is this the first time he's seen Kane make this stone giant?

  Seeing the stone giant approaching, it looked like a statue. The stone lion standing at the door suddenly had a golden light in its eyes, and then, like a real lion, it rushed out, waving its front paws. He grabbed it towards the stone giant.

  Seeing the stone lion's claws approaching, the stone giant turned sideways sensitively, avoiding the stone lion's attack, and then kicked towards the stone lion's waist.

  Although the stone lion is big, it is as agile as the stone giant and can dodge the stone giant's attacks.

  Seeing two big guys fighting together, Shen Xuyao narrowed his eyes. "Break!"

  As Shen Xuyao's voice fell, a blue light flew out and flew towards the lion's front paws, but unfortunately the lion avoided it, only a small piece of stone was removed. This made Shen Xuyao very depressed.

  "Break it again!" Shen Xuyao gritted his teeth and roared.

  Unfortunately, the second sneak attack was still discovered by the stone lion, so the sneak attack still failed to succeed.

  "Can you do it? Let me tell you, I have great magic power and can only last for an hour. You have to hurry up and get that stone lion."

  Hearing Kane's words, Shen Xuyao nodded. "Don't worry! In just one stick of incense, it will be midnight. Once midnight arrives, I can use the Spiritual Word Technique two more times."

  "That's good, don't sneak attack next time, you can cooperate with my stone giant to deal with the stone lion! Your strength is too low, and it won't work if you sneak attack it."

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao twitched the corners of his mouth. "Okay, I get it." As he said that, Shen Xuyao took out a special storage bag and stuffed thirty second-level explosive balls inside. "Kane, let your stone giants retreat. I'll blast them."

  "Okay!" In response, Kane immediately waved the magic wand in his hand, and the stone giant suddenly disappeared in front of the stone lion.

  Seeing his enemy disappear, the stone lion looked confused and was about to find his enemy. Shen Xuyao threw a bag of explosive balls over.

  "Bang bang bang..."

  The one after another explosions lasted for the duration of a cup of tea before they stopped.

  The smoke and dust from the explosion made Shen Xuyao and Kane unable to open their eyes. However, Kane didn't dare to neglect, and when he heard the explosion was over, he immediately released the stone giant to block her and Shen Xuyao.

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