Chapter 103 Fengsha Town

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Chapter 103 Fengsha Town

  After the body was twisted and pulled for a while, Shen Xuyao and his group of ten people were teleported into a dark and damp cave.

  The first one got up from the ground, and Shen Xuyao immediately looked around warily, because he had read the original work, so he knew that this place was the cave of a late-level three-geared unicorn.


  Seeing a black shadow rushing towards him, Shen Xuyao raised his hand and threw out a soul ring. It directly resulted in the gibbon unicorn.

  Seeing Shen Xuyao who calmly put away the body of the long-armed unicorn, and standing aside, Mu Liuye couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said to himself: Jiang Yuan's reaction is really fast, and it's okay, he reacts fast enough , otherwise, this group of people might have been eaten by the long-armed one-horned ape as soon as they teleported over.

  He looked at his two nephews. Mu Liuye stepped forward and looked at Jiang Yuan. "Xiaoyuan, thank you for bringing us here, let's go first."

  "Okay, Sixth Martial Uncle and the two senior brothers take care." Nodding, Shen Xuyao said goodbye to the three of them.

  After seeing off the three uncles and nephews of the Mu family, Shen Xuyao looked at Kane. "Kane, Murong and I are leaving first."

  Hearing this, Kane frowned. "Xu Yao, Murong, how about we come together?"

  Looking at Kane with a look of reluctance, Shen Xuyao smiled. "Don't be like this, there is always a banquet in the world. The five of you are all magicians, and it is perfect to go to the Magician Continent together. Murong and I are not magicians, and we plan to stay here."

  "Xu Yao, Murong!" Walking forward, Kane took the initiative to hug the two of them.

"Kane, you will always be my and Xu Yao's best friend." In fact, Murong Jin was a little reluctant to leave Kane, but he understood that Kane was a magician, and Kane's family members were all in the Magician Continent. Therefore, it was impossible for her to stay in the Card Continent and she would eventually go home.

  "Of course, we will always be best friends." Nodding repeatedly, Kane couldn't help but have red eyes.

  "Josie, take care of Kane!"

  Hearing Shen Xuyao's words, Josie nodded. "Don't worry, Kane has agreed to marry me. She is now my fiancée. I will take good care of her."

  "That's good." Looking at Kane and Qiao Xi again, Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin's hand and left the cave together.

  Looking at the two people's leaving figures, Kane stood there and stared for a long time.

  "Kane!" Josie stepped forward and hugged his fiancée. He knew that Kane and Jiang Yuan had known each other for more than ten years, and Jiang Yuan was Kane's savior. Kane had always regarded the couple as his best friends, and now his friend was gone. , Kane will inevitably feel a little bit reluctant.

  "Kane, Josie, what is this place and where are we going now?"

  Hearing his fourth uncle's question, Qiao Xi looked at his fiancée and asked her with his eyes.

  "This is the Card Master Continent. The Magician Continent is to the west. Let's go west. To the Magician Continent."

  Hearing Kane's words, the other four nodded. They all followed Kahn and left the cave.

  This is a small monster mountain. Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin walked south and encountered many first- and second-level monsters. After killing some monsters, the two of them spent five days walking out of the mountain.

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