Chapter 191 Ruby Fruit Grove

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Chapter 191 Ruby Fruit Grove

  Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin were transported to a studio where paintings were displayed. There are many wooden shelves in this side hall, and there are many paintings on the wooden shelves. Three soul pet masters were flipping through those picture scrolls. I didn't feel too surprised to see Murong Jin and Shen Xuyao appear.

  Shen Xuyao took Murong Jin's hand, came to the east wall, and began to look at the murals on the wall.

  This is the third mural. The mural depicts an orchard forest. There are various fruit trees in the grove. Each fruit tree is a fifth-level or sixth-level spiritual tree. The fruit is painted very colorfully, and a toucan is perched on top of a fruit tree. A toucan without eyes.

  This toucan looks exactly like the one Zhang Yun gave them before. It is eight meters tall and its wings are twenty meters long. The mouth is huge, shaped like a mouth knife. The beak is very beautiful, the upper part is yellow, slightly light green, the lower part is blue, and the tip of the beak is dotted with a little bright red. The eyes are surrounded by sky blue feather circles, the chest is orange, and the ridge is jet black.

  Narrowing his eyes, Shen Xuyao looked into the toucan's empty eyes. "Dotting."

  Xiaoyan flew out and directly lit the eyes of the toucan. The toucan's eyes were sealed, its wings flapped, and a cloud of black mist flew out, enveloping Murong Jin and Shen Xuyao, and engulfing them in the painting.

  When they discovered that Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin had disappeared, the other three soul pet masters were stunned. It took me a long time to come back to my senses.

  "How is it possible? They got into the painting?"

  "Yes, this is impossible? How could it get into the mural?"

  "Yeah, how come? How is it possible?"

  At this moment, the three of them couldn't care less about looking at the paintings, and stared at the murals on the wall stupidly.

  Standing among the fruit trees, Murong Jin looked at his lover beside him. "Should we find Lingbao first or kill the toucan first?"

  "Kill the toucan first. The toucan can fly, and the flying speed is not slow. If we don't get rid of it, we won't be able to find treasures. We may also be attacked by it." After thinking about it, Shen Xuyao made a decision.

  Staring at his lover, Murong Jin nodded in agreement.

  Facing his lover's gaze, Shen Xuyao raised his eyebrows suspiciously. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "Before, we searched for the first and second murals for a long time. But this third mural was found after being teleported directly. Did you tell Xiaoyan to have it teleport us to the side hall with the spiritual treasure? Huh? Otherwise, how could it be so smooth?" Murong Jin was very curious about this.

  "Yeah, that's what I told it. In this way, we can save a lot of time. Spiritual words are not a waste." Actually, it wasn't Xiaoyan who knew where the murals were, but Shen Xuyao.

  "So that's the case! If this is the case, then we can find the Lingbao faster. By the way, have you asked Xiaoyan how many Lingbao are there in this palace?"

  "I asked, there are nine small words." Smiling, Shen Xuyao answered truthfully.

  "Oh, nine places, there are still six places, we need to work harder." Thinking that there are still six places where there are spirit treasures, Murong Jin was very happy.

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