Chapter 105 Fifth Young Master Zhang Ye

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Chapter 105 Fifth Young Master Zhang Ye

  Seeing the person leaving, Lu Feifei looked at Zhang Ye beside her with an unkind expression. "Cousin, what are you doing?"

  Meeting Lu Feifei's gaze, Zhang Ye moved closer. He said with a serious face: "I don't care about you, am I afraid that you will meet bad people?"

  "Where did the bad guys come from? You have offended all the customers in my shop, how do you want me to do business?" Speaking of this, Lu Feifei was very depressed.

  The two are cousins and grew up together since childhood. However, Lu Feifei had no other thoughts about Zhang Ye. Before, she had also clearly told the other party, but Zhang Ye just didn't listen, and even always regarded her as his possession. Seeing other men around her would be like chasing flies, and they would all be chased away. Drive them away, relying on the fact that he is the fifth young master of the city lord's palace, he can do whatever he wants, even if he doesn't like the guests, he will drive them away. If things go on like this, as a result, the business of Lu's firm has been poorly managed by him. At home, her father and mother-in-law are quite critical of her, and her brothers are also trying to get the right to manage the shop, which makes Lu Feifei very distressed. .

  Looking at his angry cousin, Zhang Ye quickly smiled. "What are you afraid of? I will support you."

  Hearing this, Lu Feifei laughed angrily. She knew that her father intended to marry her to Zhang Ye, and she also knew that if it wasn't because her cousin liked her, her aunt wouldn't have allowed her, a concubine, to manage the shop. Therefore, everyone regards her as a chess piece, a chess piece that can be arranged by them.

  Staring at the pale Lu Feifei, Zhang Ye was stunned. "cousin."

  Not bothering to look at each other again, Lu Feifei turned and left. She didn't want to talk to this person, because she found that she and the other party couldn't understand at all. She had clearly said that she didn't like him and would not marry him. However, the next day, the other party would still go to her in a desperate manner. This made Lu Feifei feel powerless when she saw Zhang Ye.

  "Hey, cousin, don't leave..." Zhang Ye shouted and immediately chased after her.


  After Shen Xuyao walked out of Lu's Firm, he clearly felt someone following him behind him. Sensing that he was being followed, Shen Xuyao didn't panic, and went directly to an inn on the east side with familiarity.

  Asked for a room at the inn. Shen Xuyao walked into the room, changed his clothes and took off the mask on his face. He took out the second-level teleportation stone and teleported two streets away.

  Coming to this street, Shen Xuyao walked into Huo's Trading Firm with ease.

  The Huo family firm is very large, with three floors in total. The first floor sells medicinal materials and some refining materials. The second floor sells potions and alchemy instruments. The third floor sells some spiritual treasures suitable for use by soul pet masters.

  Seeing Shen Xuyao's arrival, the shopkeeper immediately greeted him with a smile. "Pharmacist Shen, you are here!"

  "Shopkeeper Hu!" Shen Xuyao greeted the other party with a smile.

  When going to the other two, Shen Xuyao always went there with a mask, but Huo's House was an exception, he came here with his real face, and every time he came to this one last. The first is because Huo's Trading Company is the farthest away from his home, and the second is because Huo's Trading Company offers high quality and low prices. Therefore, all the medicinal materials and medicines he used were purchased here, and basically the more than 46,000 spirit stones he earned here every month would be spent and there would be nothing left.

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