Chapter 49 Love humbly

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Chapter 49 Love humbly

  Shen Xuyao stared at the person in his arms for a long time, so long that Murong Jin felt a little uneasy. Shen Xuyao just slowly leaned over and kissed the other person's cheek. He whispered in the other person's ear: "Murong Jin, I gave you a chance."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin was startled. "I don't need a chance to leave you, and I don't need a chance to repent."

  Quietly looking at Murong Jin who spoke so firmly, Shen Xuyao couldn't help narrowing his eyes. "so what?"

  Looking at his lover suspiciously, Murong Jin raised his eyebrows with a confused look on his face. I don't quite understand what lover means.

  "Every time Kane and I chat alone, you eavesdrop outside the window, are you tired?"

  Hearing this, Murong Jin was startled, with an embarrassed look on his face. "Xu Yao, don't be upset, I won't do it again."

  Sticking to Murong Jin's ear and kissing, Shen Xuyao laughed softly. "I didn't bother you, just listen to it openly in the future, don't stand outside the window, it's cold outside at night."

  Hearing what the man said, Murong Jin felt even more ashamed. "It is my fault."

  "No, the trust between people is built up over time. We have known each other for almost three years. You still don't trust me, which means that we haven't spent enough time together, or that I am not worthy of your trust. .”

  "No, no. I, I just don't trust myself. You are so good to me, how can I not believe you? But, I, I am afraid, afraid that one day, you will no longer be good to me, no longer Love me." Having said that, Murong Jin hugged his lover tightly.

  For so many years, Xu Yao is the only one, the only one who treats him well. He is afraid and cautious when facing this relationship. I am afraid that if I do something wrong, if I do something that the other party doesn't like, I will be rejected by the other party, and I will never be able to be with the other party again.

  Lowering his head, looking at the person who was hugging him tightly and not letting go, Shen Xuyao raised his hand and rubbed his lover's hair. "Sorry, I didn't give you enough sense of security."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin slowly raised his face from the man's arms. "Xu Yao, promise me that if one day you fall in love with someone else, don't drive me away. I, I can be a concubine. As long as I can stay by your side, I am willing to do anything."

  Hearing these words, Shen Xuyao felt a dull pain in his heart, Murong Jin, Murong Jin, how humble are you in love, how stupid are you? How could you even say such a thing?

  Slowly getting up, Shen Xuyao left the living room with Murong Jin in his arms. He walked towards his bedroom.

  Holding her arms around the man's neck, Murong Jin bit her lip as she looked at the man who left without saying a word while hugging her. "Promise me, will you?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao paused and stopped. "not good!"

  After getting the unexpected answer, Murong Jin was startled, and his eyes turned red.

  Staring at the person in his arms, Shen Xuyao continued: "My ideal love is a couple for a lifetime, if you don't work hard to be my wife, then you can only be abandoned by me, and there is no place for you as a concubine. "

  Hearing this, Murong Jin's face turned pale, and his arms unconsciously wrapped around the man's neck. He doesn’t want to be the one abandoned, he doesn’t want it!

  Lowering his head, Shen Xuyao kissed Murong Jin's forehead distressedly, kicked open the door, and entered his room with the person in his arms.

  Murong Jin was in a daze as he kept thinking about his lover's words in his head. He didn't realize it until he was put on the bed by a man. He murmured, "This is not my room!"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao narrowed his eyes. "A year ago, you asked me to unwrap the present, and I said that I wanted to marry you and give you the most luxurious wedding. Today, you made me very unhappy. I want to have a bridal chamber in advance. This is your punishment."

  Staring at the man's serious face, Murong Jin was stunned and his face turned red. He looked away in shame and embarrassment.

  Holding Murong Jin's chin, Shen Xuyao forced him to look at him. "Please beg me, please beg me, and I will bypass you tonight."

  Facing the man's pitch-black eyes, Murong Jin inexplicably felt a trace of fear. Such a dangerous Xu Yao made him feel a little strange.

  "Please." Shen Xuyao pressed harder on his hand and urged.

  Sensing that the man's eyes were a little thicker, Murong Jin opened his mouth. "I, I do."

  Looking at Murong Jin who said this shyly and closed his eyes, not daring to look at him anymore, the last tense string in Shen Xuyao's head was broken. Originally, he didn't want to develop with Murong Jin so quickly. , he wanted to wait a little longer, and wait until the two people's tempers and dispositions were well-tuned before getting married. But he found that the other party did not understand his thoughts, and because he did not open the gift, the other party became obviously more cautious and very insecure.

  Lowering his head and kissing Murong Jin's lips, Shen Xuyao thought, maybe this is the only way to make him feel at ease.


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