Chapter 17 Good Body

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Chapter 17 Good Body

  the next day, after breakfast

  Leaning by the window, looking at Shen Xuyao who was standing in the yard with bare upper body and wearing only a pair of trousers, who was practicing boxing, Murong Jin couldn't help squinting his eyes. Before, when he saw a lot of wooden stakes taller than a person in the yard, he thought they were used to tie horses, but unexpectedly, they were actually used by Shen Xuyao to practice boxing.

 In fact, in the mainland of soul pet masters, many soul pet masters pay more attention to cultivating their soul pets and improving their strength. There are very few soul pet masters who can train their bodies, and even those who have martial soul pets, most of them don't like to train their bodies. Unexpectedly, Shen Xuyao actually liked body training.

  "Wow, Brother Xuyao has a great figure, muscular!" Standing on Murong Jin's shoulder, Xiaolan couldn't help exclaiming.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin looked helplessly at the little Lanhua who was drooling on his shoulder. "You little brat, why are you drooling when you see a man?"

  Tilting her head, Xiaolan looked at her master. "But it's very handsome! It's beautiful, isn't it?"

  "Looking at Xuyao's appearance, he should have been training his body since he was a child." Shen Xuyao is only thirteen years old, even one year younger than himself, but he is a head taller than himself, with well-developed muscles on his arms , Abdominal muscles, pectoral muscles are not less. The lines of the entire upper body are perfect, and with the bronzed skin, it complements each other even more. It's no wonder that Xiaolan's mouth is watering.

  However, freezing three feet does not happen in a day. If you want to train such a solid body of muscles, you can't train them overnight. Therefore, Murong Jin guessed that Shen Xuyao has trained his body for at least five years, otherwise, he would not May have such a good figure.

  In fact, Murong Jin's guess was very correct. Jiang Yuan is a very hard-working soul pet master. When he awakened the Lingyan Stone, but his strength was still not improving, Jiang Yuan began to train his body. From the age of five, until now, Jiang Yuan has practiced hard for eight years , Only then has this pair of steel and iron bones, and this pair of good figures comparable to bodybuilders. It's just a pity that cannon fodder is cannon fodder after all. In the end, Jiang Yuan and his mother were still cannon fodder by the heroine. Give this body cheaply to Shen Xuyao.

  Shen Xuyao practiced boxing for an hour before he stopped.

  Seeing that Shen Xuyao was about to leave, Xiaolan immediately flew over. "Brother Xu Yao, you are so handsome!"

  Look at the little orchid flying over, rubbing its buds and leaves on its body, eating tofu everywhere. Shen Xuyao was amused. "Don't make trouble, I'm sweating all over you."

  "Don't be afraid, brother Xuyao has a good figure, and Xiaolan likes it." After speaking, Xiaolan rubbed against Shen Xuyao again.

  "You!" He smiled helplessly, but Shen Xuyao was not angry.

  "Come back!" Murong Jin couldn't bear it anymore, walked out of the door, came to Shen Xuyao, and pulled Xiaolan back. There was a brief contact between the fingertips and the man's skin, which made Murong Jin feel his fingertips burning hot.

  "Master, what are you doing? Brother Xu Yao is not angry, why are you angry?" Facing the dark-faced master, Xiaolan was very helpless.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin's face became even more ugly, he gave his soul pet a hard look, and directly took him into his sea of consciousness. Turning his head and meeting Shen Xuyao's gaze, Murong Jin was embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I will discipline Xiaolan well."

  Looking at the embarrassed Murong Jin, Shen Xuyao shook his head disapprovingly. "Don't be like this, it's just a child. Although soul pets are born with us, they have limited wisdom, are very simple, kind, and have no bad intentions. So, don't be so harsh on Xiaolan, okay?"

  Seeing Shen Xuyao who turned to persuade him, Murong Jin opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

  "Is the injury better? Do you want to drink another potion?" With that said, Shen Xuyao took out a second-level healing potion and handed it to the other party.

  "No, no need, my injury is fine, and I'll be fine in two days." Shaking his head, Murong Jin hastily refused.

  "Okay, take some rest. I'll go do some exercise, and I'll make you lunch later. What would you like to eat?"

  Hearing Shen Xuyao ask this, Murong Jin shook his head. "I don't have any taboos, anything is fine, you can make it according to your taste." For a person whose parents died at the age of six, he was hungry and full, and sometimes he couldn't even eat a meal for three days For me, it's pretty good to have food, so how can I be picky?

  "Okay, then I'm going to take a shower." Shen Xuyao just left after glancing at Murong Jin again.

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