Chapter 22 The First Hunt

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Chapter 22 The First Hunt

  At night, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin sat cross-legged on the bed to practice.

  Xiaoyan and Xiaolan were lying on the side, each holding a piece of Lingyu, gnawing on it.

  "Oh, it's really unpalatable!" After eating a piece of Lingyu, Xiaoyan couldn't help complaining.

  In the previous two months, the master only bought fifteen pieces of jade, and gave Xiao Pohua five pieces back, so Xiaoyan only ate ten pieces of jade, and spent most of his time taking spiritual baths and drinking spiritual water. But this time the master bought two hundred and three pieces of spirit jade in one go, and now he is living with Xiao Pohua's master and servant. It is estimated that there is no hope for this spirit water in the next month!

  "It's not tasty, don't eat it! Leave it to me!" Glaring at Xiaoyan, Xiaolanhua was very upset. He said it was not delicious, but he ate it faster than it did. This guy is really shameless.

  "If you don't eat, it's cheaper for you. It's agreed to be three yuan per person. Don't try to steal from me."

  "Tch, who likes to steal from you!"

  Looking at the two guys who were eating and arguing at the same time, Murong Jin and Shen Xuyao couldn't laugh or cry.

  As Xiaoyan and Xiaolan ate, streams of spiritual energy flowed into the bodies of Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin, and the two slowly closed their eyes and started practicing exercises.

  After practicing for an hour, Shen Xuyao felt that his strength had improved a lot. However, Murong Jin's feeling was not so obvious. Shen Xuyao is at the first level, so Xiaoyan can eat three pieces of Lingyu at a time. And Murong Jin is at the second level, so Xiaolan can only eat half full if she eats three pieces of jade at a time.

  "Xiao Lan, are you full? Do you want to..."

  "Xu Yao, it's full. Let's rest early! Tomorrow, we'll go hunting in the mountains." As he spoke, Murong Jin hurriedly put Xiao Lan away.

  "Master, am I still full?"

  Hearing Xiaolan complaining dissatisfiedly in the Sea of Consciousness, Murong Jin felt very helpless. "Just eat half full! You ate all Xuyao's spirit jade, what did you let Xiaoyan eat?"

  Hearing what the master said, Xiaolan nodded aggrievedly. "I see, Xiaolan is good, don't fight with Xiaoyan. Otherwise, brother Xuyao will hate me."

  "Well, it's good to know, be obedient." In fact, Murong Jin also felt sorry for Xiao Lan. Xiaolan has been with his poor master all these years, always hungry and full. Xiaolan is already very happy to be able to eat half full at the moment.

  "Alright, go to bed early!" As he said, Shen Xuyao put away Xiaoyan, who was full and turning his stomach. Get up and get out of bed.

  Looking at Shen Xuyao who got out of bed, Murong Jin was very puzzled. "It's getting dark, where are you going?"

  "I'm going to sleep outside the screen. I still have a couch, which is just right outside the screen." With that said, Shen Xuyao walked out of the screen, went outside, and took out his couch.

  Walking out, looking at the nap couch outside the screen, and then at the big bed that Xu Yao gave him, Murong Jin frowned. "How can this bed be comfortable for such a short sleep? Or, let's squeeze each other and sleep on the bed?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao, who was spreading the quilt, turned his head and looked at the person beside him. "You are really brave. I am a man! You are not afraid, I will sleep with you in the same bed and bully you at night?"

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