Chapter 95 Xu Yao's plan

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Chapter 95 Xu Yao’s plan

  Originally, what Shen Xuyao wanted to do the most after leaving the customs was to have a good time with his wife, but his wife's thoughts were all on formations. The daughter-in-law and Kane went to find the formation together.

  In the original book, this formation was found by the hero and the heroine, and the hero and the heroine also used this formation to leave the Soul Pet Master Continent, go to the Card Master Continent, and spend their time in the Card Master Continent. Water rises. My strength increased to level five, and later I went to the higher continent. It can be said that the journey was smooth sailing.

  Before, the reason why Shen Xuyao was so obsessed with Lingshi Mountain was firstly to advance to the third level, and secondly because of this formation, which required five thousand spirit stones to activate. If the hero and heroine cannot get the spirit stone, then even if they find the formation, they will not be able to activate the formation or use it. Therefore, taking away the spirit stone is a countermeasure that kills two birds with one stone and draws fire from the bottom of the cauldron.

  Although when Shen Xuyao left the Lingshi Mine, Xiaoyan said that there were more than a thousand spiritual stones down there, Shen Xuyao knew that these thousand spiritual stones could not activate the formation, so he did not care about the remaining ones. A thousand spiritual stones.

  Shen Xuyao knew the plot of the original work very well, so it only took the three of them a month to find the teleportation formation. However, there were already big families here studying the teleportation formation. The Mu family, The five major families, the Wang family, the Murong family, the Merris family, and the Ouyang family, are all here. Moreover, not only are the five major families here, but also some civilian soul pet masters are here. Even the male protagonist, female protagonist, and some remaining second-level soul pet masters from the Jiang family and Xuanyuan family are also here.

  Seeing the fight here, Kane couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. "Oh, there are quite a few of them!"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao sneered. "No, there are more people than those who competed for the colorful golden lotus!"

  Seeing more than a hundred soul pet masters gathered here, Murong Jin frowned deeply. "Xu Yao, there are so many people here, what should we do?"

  "Don't worry, let's study it slowly. Let's set up the tent first, and put it up behind the civilian soul pet master team." Shen Xuyao said with a smile.

  Seeing his lover's calm expression, Murong Jin nodded and didn't say much.

  The three people worked together and quickly set up the two tents. After the tent was set up, Shen Xuyao set up a secondary protective formation outside. The three people sat in the tent and discussed together.

  "Xu Yao, there are more than 180 people here. What should we do?"

  Hearing Kane's words, Shen Xuyao raised his eyebrows. "There is no way."

  "any solution?"

  Hearing this, Shen Xuyao looked at his anxious lover. "It's very simple, find a big family, find a partner. Find an alliance to help us win this formation."

  "But, there is only one formation, and we're looking for a partner, so how do we count?" Thinking of this, Murong Jin frowned.

  "This formation can teleport ten people. We have three people now, and there are still seven places left."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin nodded, expressing his understanding. Therefore, Xu Yao intends to trade these seven places.

  "So, you want to trade with the big family?"

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