Chapter 106 Soul-Suppressing Wood

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Chapter 106 Soul-Suppressing Wood

  Because of being followed when he went to Lu's Trading Company before, Shen Xuyao did not go to Lu's Trading Company again. However, he did not sell the potion to the other two, but praised the potion in his hand, and planned to sell the potion elsewhere after his wife left the customs.

  There is no way, medicines are in short supply. Only the three major commercial firms in the town are qualified to sell medicines, and other small shops and small stalls are not allowed to sell medicines. Therefore, Shen Xuyao's medicines can only be sent to these three firms for sale. Now, with one less Lu's firm, only ninety medicines can be stored every month. Fortunately, the shelf life of the potion is five years or ten years. If it is sealed in a card, it can be stored for twenty years. It won't expire any time soon.

  Half a year later, sitting in a merchant's office, guarding the sparsely populated shop, Lu Feifei sighed again and again.

  Walking over, Manager Li saluted. "Miss, Huo's House asked us if we have any third-level body-strengthening potions, and they want to buy them at a 10% discount. Look, those potions you praised before..."

Hearing this, Lu Feifei looked at Manager Li, took out the two hundred medicines she praised, and handed them to Uncle Li. "Send it over! Li An won't come."

  Ever since Li An was taunted by Zhang Ye that time, he hasn't been here for half a year. Lu Feifei knew that Zhang Ye must have done something to Li An, that's why Li An didn't come again. Thinking of this, Lu Feifei felt very depressed. She hated being manipulated by Zhang Ye. She was obviously just an ordinary guest, but she had to drive him away just because he was a man. It was simply unreasonable!

  "Yes, Miss!" In response, Steward Li took the medicine, turned and left.

  Looking at the back of Uncle Li leaving, Lu Feifei couldn't help but squinted her eyes, she couldn't go on like this, she had to find a way to get rid of Zhang Ye completely. She doesn't want to be the other person's forbidden wife for the rest of her life.


  The next day, Shen Xuyao went to Huo's Trading Company as scheduled.

  "Pharmacist Shen, I have collected a lot of third-level body training potions for you this time." With that said, shopkeeper Hu handed over a wooden box.

  After receiving them, Shen Xuyao checked them one by one. After reading them, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows. "Two hundred and thirty sticks, this time is indeed a lot!"

  "Yes, I know you need this, so I specially mixed a bottle of potion for you from another store." With a smile, shopkeeper Hu said slyly. In fact, originally, he didn't know that the Lu family had so many medicines for body refinement. He only found out about it not long ago when he overheard a buddy of the Lu family talking about it. After finding out, he immediately contacted Li Guanshi over there, and bought the medicine.

  Although he got the goods at a 10% discount and sold them to Shen Xuyao at a 10% discount without earning spiritual stones, he could use this to win over Shen Xuyao, and this transaction was a sure profit. After all, the two of them had been working together for eight months. The medicine Shen Xuyao refined was very good, and the success rate was also very high. Manager Hu felt that this was a potential stock. In the future, he would definitely become a third-level or fourth-level pharmacist. If he could It would be a good thing to continue to cooperate, or to wait for the other party to become a fourth-level pharmacist in the future and invite the other party to become the Huo family's pharmacist.

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